Thursday, June 15, 2017

First Nations Programs / Doug Anderson - Melissa Meyer

Although Doug Anderson and Melissa Meyer are no longer trainers with Psychology of Vision, they have seemingly continued to cultivate a First Nations clientele using the same sort of methods. The "customized training" for First Nations includes personal coaching, business consulting, and community building. Observe how any mention of POV is absent from this webpage.

There is more detail via this link: [Sept. 6, 2016 update: This link is now dead. A new link with modified information is available. Melissa's name does not appear] [June 15, 2017 update: The new link with modified information is now dead as well]


Anonymous said...

The testimonies are direct evidence of regurgitated POV indoctrination, go figure?

Learned something in all these years said...

The full story of Doug and Melissa's break with POV and the Spezzanos has yet to be told.

Joe Gunn said...

Doug and Melissa were among the most talented of the English-speaking POV trainers. Psychology of Vision is a throwback to another era and these two trainers helped give the cult a fresh and more modern face. Their unison departure from the Spezzano corporation was a major loss to POV Canada. Frankly, it speaks well for both of them that they left and I wish them happiness in their new lives free from the shackles of being a POV trainer, which is basically slave labor to feed the Spezzano bank account.

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