Monday, August 20, 2018

Chuck Spezzano Biography

This biography of Chuck Spezzano is from the Psychology of Vision website Feb. 16, 2010. 


Anonymous said...

Rather revealing, eh?

Q said...

Observations. There are several points of data that Chuck was comfortable sharing in 2010 that have since been sort of pushed into the shadows in POV literature. Also, some of the claims are outright lies.

United States International University was not accredited by the APA at the time Spezzano attended. Up to the point of his masters degree he actually had an impressive academic career, but for some reason he chose to throw it all away for a Ph.D. he couldn't really use in the professional field. I know, it was the 1970s and I went to an experimental college myself in that era, risk and grooviness was in the air, but these sort of choices have consequences. This is a big reason why Chuck will never be considered a professional psychologist and cannot be licensed without further formal education.

According to his thesis his Ph.D. is in the esoteric and unemployable name of "Professional Psychology," not "Counseling Psychology" as he claims.

The oft-repeated claim that Chuck was a "psychologist" when working in the Navy Rehab facility is untrue. He actually had several job titles while employed there and was not a licensed professional psychologist at all with the Navy or anywhere else in his whole career. At best he was an intern paraprofessional.

The influence of the Lifespring large group awareness training group on Spezzano has been downplayed in recent years. Any researcher looking into the history of this toxic group will discover it was basically another bargain basement capitalist cult.

Chuck's time with ARAS and Bob Trask is a period in his life I am sure he does not want investigators to uncover. Bob Trask had his own triangle before the POV triangle. Chuck's departure from ARAS was, from what I understand, not voluntary as it involved unprofessional and unethical behaviors that reflected badly on the ARAS brand. Chuck was also known for being a big baby tantrum thrower according to my sources.

Chuck's stint as a psychic 1980-1982, now never mentioned in POV literature, must have not panned out so well and he discovered the healing scam was much more lucrative. It interests me he went the psychic route AFTER attempting to be a marriage and family counselor.

Obviously he failed at being a priest, failed at being a counselor, failed at being a psychic, but finally found a home in the fake healer scam. In a sick way you have to admire his drive, self-serving as it is.

In 2010 POV counted 70-80 trainers. Today they have less than 20. Not exactly an expanding empire. If we critics have had anything to do with this then we have helped save the world from yet another cheap scammy cult. But I am not sure we have had any impact. POV is being destroyed by its own bad management and the enormous egos of the Spezzanos. We critics don't have to do anything to cause this cult to fall, they are much better at destroying themselves-- just like the Trump people they so closely resemble.

I find the Princess Diana endorsement, which is second-hand and dubious, to be cheap and exploitative. But hey, we're talking about POV here so I guess it is just another sales pitch.

The Oneness University connection is a fascnating chapter in POV history, revealing how the Spezzanos became cult followers themselves and then used Soviet tactics in wiping out all connection with Amma and Bhagavan a few years later. We outsiders still don't know why. But OU left a very strong imprint in current POV theology.

The 2012 reference illustrates how Spezzano attempts to make the most out whatever New Age fad is popular in order to turn a buck.

Everything about this fluff biography points to Julian Ticehurst as the author, who has admitted that "even Chuck himself says that his Psychology if [sic] a hoax."

Psychology of Vision is a bucket full of sleaze and lies.

Q said...

A PS here. It is curious Chuck's role as an interim minister for the Windward Unity Church 1983-1984 in Hawaii is not mentioned. Why is that?

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