Friday, June 16, 2017

Authentic Leadership in Douglas Lake with Melissa Meyer and Doug Anderson

Authentic Leadership in Douglas Lake with Melissa Meyer and Doug Anderson, two day Psychology of Vision workshop Nov. 23 & 23, 2013, Douglas Lake, Upper Nicola Band

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

anyone with a critical thinking mind that can think for themselves will see that all of chuck spezzano's and his advanced trainers tell of absolutely no written peer reviewed evaluations by known professionals in the field he claims to be a psychologist telling that spezzano is a healthy proven recommended healing model, it's all from fancy internet advertising with loaded language and jargon leading people that he helped tens of thousands, and that he can stop earthquakes and save the world, who in their right mind would believe this, this is proof enough that this is all about chuck, chuck wants to be a god, he and his wife are to those that are already brainwashed and spent tens of thousands and aren't healed yet because his cult is designed that way, you're neve going to get healed because you have to keep returning to a new workshop exactly like the last hundred ,the only thing different is the topic and he and his advanced trainer cult recruiters lead you to believe you need this topic, putting you unde undue influence with stage hypnosis to make you believe your cured until the next workshop advertisement and the advanced recruiters work on you again to make you believe you need to attend, and you do go because of undue influence,you do go ,even when the workshop is near christmas and you need money for a happy holiday, you still go and have a broke christmas because you gave chuck your money.all the advanced trainers in band management or health positions on reserves should all be psychologically assessed to see who they really work for,

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