Sunday, March 8, 2020

And this sets the tone for the next thousand years also Heaven has a really happy plan for us

The following is a transcript from a Youtube presentation by Chuck Spezzano entitled Power of Choice: 5-Day Workshop in Canada June 2013, posted June 3, 2013:

[Chuck Spezzano is thrown prepared questions by a staff member in this low-budget production]

Staff: We're here with Chuck Spezzano and he's gonna talk about why this is such an important time in our history.

CS: Well what is going on today is that we are at an unexpected but really accelerated time of growth. These three years starting this year for the next 2 1/2 years we're going through intense shifts. And most of these shifts at this time are inward. So as we make these shifts inwardly now they show on the outside. And after this through 2024 there's still a great amount of shifts that can happen. And this sets the tone for the next thousand years.

Now, of course, we aren't going to be alive that long but we are going to be alive for the rest of our lives.

I can tell you this, being deep in people's minds and their souls is that we are not here by accident at this time. We are here by design.

We came to help make this birth, this shift for the world, it has to do with re-establishing bonding which means getting rid of pain and having success in intimacy with ease, so this is what we're here for and how to really accentuate our lives so we're just shining. So we just have the best lives possible so that's the best gift we give now. Our happiness, our love, our friendship to the world and helping others.

Staff: What is the nature of your work?

CS: Um, how I work is that I work a lot with all of our minds. I work with our conscious mind, which is actually the smallest percentage, if you could imagine it is the subconscious and the unconcious and then our spirit. It's like those, I work with all levels of the mind. So what you think is going on is really the smallest part of our mind. And what healing is about is about bringing the mistake in choices we made up to our conscious mind and making another choice so we get all of our power back.

We get our confidence back and it shows in our world, why there's success in our relationships, success in our family, and the success at work. Y'know, how to have an easy happy life.

Together in community as people get closer and closer as the pain goes away, as the misunderstanding goes away, 'cause that's what pain is, it's misunderstanding.

And we use it for a certain purpose and we see what we're using it for then we can say, "Wow. I don't want to keep doing that. I want to make another choice." And so we show people how to do that. And so we have lots of exercises and y'know if we're gonna go that deep and deal with things that are delicate then to me you need a lot of humor. You need to play a lot, you need to enjoy yourself, you need to enjoy the humor about men and women and couples and relationships and all of that stuff.

And then so through that we can get to a place of really dealing with what is precious in our lives, and regain ourselves, to regain that power, that confidence, that kind of movement forward where our heart opens.

That's what our workshop is about. It's about remembrance of renewal.

Staff: Could you tell me a little bit about what you have in mind for this "Power of Choice" workshop?

CS: Well, one of the things I have in mind that's come to me already is to go back to see all the places where we have suffered in our minds and to open up the deeper mind and to show subconsciously or unconsciously there were mistakes going on and we could correct.

And the bigger the pain, it's like the greater the gift that hides beneath it. We don't know that the basic choice is between love and fear. And when we chose to separate, when we choose fear, we suffer tremendously. But always when we could invite love into our lives at any moment, love is waiting for that invitation.

So, in this workshop we're just gonna build up our courage to open ourselves and invite love back in. And to make the right choice. And to be even willing at the highest level to surrender this greatest ability, this ability to choose, and let Heaven choose for us. Heaven has a much better plan than we've had for ourselves. Just look at our lives.

It's good evidence. It's time to let Heaven decide because Heaven has a really happy plan for us.

And that's what we're going to be doing for five days, just playing, and healing, and loving and finding ourselves. So, come along. Love to see ya!

Staff: Thank you so much, Chuck. See you there.

CS: Thank you.

1 comment:

Tom Joad said...

How does Chuck know there is a Heaven and it has a happy plan for us?

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