Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Quantum Flapdoodle

"Though mystics, quantum physicists or those involved in the transpersonal know the world as a dream, illusion and maya, when anyone suffers, the world seems all too real. Then we need help and when we are ill or in pain anything that seems to help is a godsend. The goal of this book is to be just such a comfort but one that can provide not just a balm but an ongoing sanctuary."

The use of the word "quantum," along with the phrase "paradigm shift," is a common POV tactic to misappropriate words from hard sciences in order to sound "sciency." Real scientists call this smokescreen "Quantum Flapdoodle." Psychology of Vision is quite active in this use of language.

Here is a short Youtube worth watching on the subject:


1 comment:

Year of the Cat said...

That video on the link really describes Lency and Spezzano's sales talk perfectly. Hilarious.

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