Saturday, March 28, 2020

NAFPS Selections: Experience from hypnotherapy, gestalt therapy, and NLP

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Ingeborg," April 27, 2014]:

I found a promotional text on PoV on a German website whose name translates to 'healing directory'. It is basically a platform publishing promotional texts by alt-med healers, therapists, spiritual healers etc as well as a short introductory text on the resp healing methods. Persons or companies who wish to publish their info may join the platform for free, but there is a premium membership allegedly providing the service of the entry being found more easily. The site also carries Google ads.

They have got two texts explaining what PoV allegedly is, one by a German Newage author, the other one written by PoV DACH:


    “Psychology of Vision is a groundbreaking healing model developed by Chuck & Lency Spezzano, in which modern psychological knowhow takes effect with spiritual principles. It demonstrates clearly and distinctly how our inner and outer world is connected, what gives us back the power of decision to change our life, recognise and overcome current challenges.
    Psychology of Vision deals with three main elements of our life:
    Relationships, leadership, and non-confessional spirituality. To understand the meaning and the power of relationships is the key to change, since all our problems ultimately are relationship problems. All our relationships reflect the relation to ourselves and at the same time, this one reflects our relationship to God. When we heal our relationships, we can thus heal all other aspects of our life.
    Leadership describes our leadership qualities and means to be able to be responsive to those persons who need our help. It is the readiness to help which at the same time serves ourselves. For when we overcome whatever tries to hold us back from helping others, both of us will be freed. Spirituality – dissociated from religion – means natural spiritual feelings and spiritual meaning which every human being, according to their spirit and consciousness, shares with everybody else. The connection between all human beings on one level of consciousness is continued in a relationship to the divine.

    Psychology of Vision – a new psychological school of the 21st century

    Psychology of Vision is built on the works of the visionaries Freud, Jung, Frankl, and Perls, and takes into account experience from hypnotherapy, gestalt therapy, and NLP. In their therapeutical practice, Chuck and Lency Spezzano have also acquired and won their own insights, models, concepts, methods, and techniques which as a whole form Psychology of Vision.
    Basic principles and teachings from „A Course in Miracles“ have confirmed the original approach of Psychology of Vision and at the same time opened new perspectives on further psychological and therapeutical research tasks.
    The aim of Psychology of Vision is a holistic transformation which will not only make life worth living, but also adorable! It is a science and an art which enables us to discover all aspects hidden in the subconscious, unconscious resp. the shamanic and in the spiritual consciousness. This special psychology makes it possible to perform consciousness work even more target-oriented, easier, and clearing and healing much quicker.
    (Wulfing von Rohr, author and journalist, on Psychology of Vision)“

Emphasis mine

The second text seems to be from PoV:


    What can Psychology of Vision do for us?
    1. PoV supports us human beings in overcoming psychological and spiritual obstacles and to develop a personal responsibility.
    2. PoV offers a mind map of consciousness as well as the tools necessary for a deep personal change.
    3. The PoV model enables persons to create a positive vision of future which includes themselves, their families, and the world.
    4. PoV enables an intuition for one's own emotions and creates a connection to our heart which changes the perception of our environment
    5. PoV facilitates understanding, solving of conflicts and builds bridges between cultures.
    Psychology of Vision also offers the possibility to absolve a 100-Day-Programme. This will teach worldwide professional tools which enable participants to integrate the principles of Psychology of Vision into their own life. Emphasis will be on teaching the fundamental methods and concepts. The founders of the method, Chuck and Lency Spezzano, in person train participants of this programme all over the world to become Psychology of Vision Trainers. Participance in the Trainer's Programme will take place in the sense of a personal invitation. Persons who completed these advanced and profound trainings is authorised to use the title of Psychology of Vision Trainer.

    Source for the text and for further infos is the German section of:

[Substituted link]

Short info on Wulfing von Rohr (from his German Wikipedia article):

"W. von Rohr is a German citizen living in Austria and has been working for the state-owned TV stations as a journalist and producer of documentaries between 1974 and 1994.
At the end of the 1980ies he studied at the University of California [they don't get any more precise as to where and what], and, between 1986 and 1998, lived in Santa Fe/New Mexico. Besides numerous publications in the field of astrology and Newage as an author, editor, translator and counselor, he is also an organiser, moderator, and seminar leader for congresses and conferences on cultural exchange, peace issues, and spirituality, as e.g. the International Peace Conference in Munich 1999, Interreligious Talks Luzern/Switzerland 2000, Peace Days Salzburg (Austria) 2002, Angels' Days Salzburg and Munich 2006, 2007, 2008; The Gathering Conference for Light Workers in Solothurn (Switzerland) 2008, Vital Force Symposions in Zurich (Switzerland) 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011, Aura Basel (Switzerland) 2009 and 2010."

Wikipedia also lists several publications on astrology, Tarot, numerology, and New Age.

Amazon bio:
"Wulfing von Rohr, born 1948, is a researcher of consciousness and culture, an author and co-author of books, seminar leader, translator, and editor. Up to now, he has published more than 90 books as an author or co-author. He makes appearances as a moderator and in part as an organiser of spiritual meetings [as mentioned above]. He was a guest speaker at the Mid-Summer Conference in Colorade in June 2009. He is the moderator at the Vital Force Zurich and at Aura Basel (annual conferences), but also at the „Iron Forum“ (a medical congress) twice in Basel and once in Zurich. In March 2011, he participates in the Conference The Gathering in Sedona, Arizona as the only German-language speaker.

W. v. Rohr has been a TV journalist and producer of TV documentaries for ARD and ZDF [state owned TV stations] for 20 years. He was a board member at the professional organisation of German Yoga teachers (BDY) and contributed to the curriculum for the training of Yoga teachers. He is the founding chief editor in charge of the ANGELmagazine which he directed for two years. He is a member of the International Society of Deep Psychology and participated for more than ten years in their Autumn Conferences in Lindau as a speaker or workshop director. […] His latest project is a weekly internet radio show with German-language and international guests within the framework of „Awakening Zone“. Wulfing von Rohr is seen as the leading adept of the spiritual movements and development in Europe, North America, and parts of Asia."

Additionally, von Rohr has business contacts to Spezzano, as he translated several of Spezzano's books, like e.g. „There must be a better way. Basic Principles of Psychology of Vision“, or „Soul Cards“ (April 2008).

In the acknowledgement section of the German translation of „The Tao Index: Personal Development and Relationship will be co-factors in business success or failure in future“ (February 2009), Spezzano writes:
„The acknowledgements would not be complete without mentioning my German agent Wulfing von Rohr“.
This means von Rohr is or has been more than just a translator of a few books.

Judging from a publication written by von Rohr („Small revelations. Proposals for a conscious life“. October 2009), he says in chapter 7 „There will always be a next step“:
“What I describe as practices to imitate […], I have experienced in a similar form in Chuck Spezzano's „Psychology of Vision“ seminars […].“


Alaine Charlotte Dorothy Brandes said...

"a new psychological school of the 21st century"?

Barf bags on standby.

Joe Gunn said...

von Rohr has also consistently, and falsely, described Spezzano as a "psychologist" in his published work. Another example of someone close to Chuck who spreads the fable that Spezzano is a professional. Chuck is unlicensed, unaccredited, and has never been a "psychologist" as most people understand the term.

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