Monday, March 13, 2017

I am assuming that most of you know what I am referring to today

Andreas Hausberg, on his Mar. 12, 2017 Facebook page, released a statement made by Lency Spezzano that was originally sent internally to the Psychology of Vision/Steps to Leadership community only. This statement was translated to German and then back to English here, so it comes across as a bit clunky but the general idea is communicated. It is presented here in German and English.

It is a fascinating essay. Lency alludes to her health, First Nations, Christ, A Course in Miracles, the Fifth Dimension, Oneness, and cryptic reference to the events of the last trainers' training ("I am assuming that most of you know what I am referring to today"). From what I gather in this article, some of the trainers who left are expected to return.

POV continues to have two paths. While the corporation's spinoff  "Steps to Leadership" and the other "Steps to ..." programs are an attempt to appear more mainstream, the changes celebrated by Lency in the following piece appear to be more esoteric than ever and something of a return to the lessons she learned a decade ago from her time as a student at Oneness University, an institution she recently denounced but for years was called one of POV's two greatest inspirations on the Spezzano webpage until the Great Purge of 2014.

Like I said-- fascinating.


Anonymous said...

I am saying this out of compassion, not malice, but it looks to me like Lency is in serious need of using the services of a mental health professional. No, really, this is not meant to be a joke. In her own way she is as much a victim of Psychology of Vision as the followers, maybe more so.

research said...

Lency Spezzano may be using her spiritual beliefs to help cope with health challenges. As long as she is not a danger to herself or others, I figure this is none of my business.

Hopefully she is not blaming others for her health difficulties. Unfortunately, it sounds like she is.

We are not responsible for Lency Spezzano's health problems. Please do not accept any blame and guilt she may attempt to pass around. Lency and Chuck are responsible for themselves.

Blaming us does not help Lency at all.

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to original version in English

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