Thursday, February 9, 2017

POV Trainers Online Meeting

Psychology of Vision trainers meeting online, Dec. 22, 2016


Anonymous said...

The continuous influence thru sessions like these keep POV members and devotees locked in. Who is having influence over community decisions can be sourced right here.CEO Band Manager Barbara Stevens of Skidegate Reserve is plugged into the POV commands and outcomes.
Huge conflict of interest and interference with the lives of Skidegate band members.What is Barbara disclosing to POV members about this community and what are POV advocates dictating to her?
Do citizens of Skidegate have privacy with her exposing the lives of people in their community? Is this the kind of influence that
Skidegate wants, cult dependency and influence by their band manager? Which is it? Advanced trainer for POV or band manager?, because in this cult it is impossible to be both, you can only be one and the other is compromised. Time for a new band manager if Skidegate is going to be able to monitor their own private community business. This POV advanced trainer checked out a long time ago to serve Chuck & Lency, unfortunately this FN community has been dragged behind her and used to finance Barbara Stevens POV membership.

Jarus Sterritt said...

I appreciate "anonymity" with one condition: she should identify her clan root in the Village. When she names Ms Stevens it may injure others who deserve to know at least that the criticism is from an affected, injured party and is not raised against the money aspects alone.

Year of the Cat said...

As a moderator of this blog I should state that no conditions are required for identification. Based on our experience it has been obvious that being anything other than anonymous has been detrimental on several occasions.

bill said...

Observe: No men.

Half of those trainers are no longer with POV.

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