Monday, February 13, 2017


Google English translation:

Lotus light visions

About me

In the sign of the bull, I got a spiritual strength and a high sensitivity.

Growing up in the world of fashion, and always in contact with people on my professional path, led me then to a personal life crisis to people who had lost their external identity by illness or accident.

It was a great challenge and, despite everything, a new necessary path in my development. To be able to help here was a great new challenge and I was led.

So I began my training in the mental and healing areas. It was a deep, deep experience that brought me closer to my inner abilities, such as emphatics, light-heartedness, alternative knowledge.

Today, I would like to support people with the challenges of life, to bring back peace, joy, happiness with ease and inner balance.

My intention is to help to recognize and free old, faithful patterns, entanglements, attachments, fears.

In doing so, I allow myself to be inspired by the inspiration of God. And the experiences, "miracles are actually possible."


1990 Human leadership with Prof.Dr.Dr. Affemann Institute for Work Environment, in Baden Baden

2000 Steps to Leadership (after Chuck Spezzano)

2003 Certification Trainer Mental Wellness Coach (DGMT) Seelmann & Bieber

2005 Certification for the Healer (DGH eV) Elisabeth Arndt. Finely, mentally

Communication, empathy, spiritual life counseling, spiritual healing.

Counseling, compassion and understanding were always the focus

Sound massage

2009 Metatron Diamond Light Priestess / Litios

The crystalline light body

Commute with angels

Metatron light Uni 1 and 2

The golden body of Christ

House harmonization

Out of all living and living spaces, as well as gardens and offices


Sensitively sensitive themes and blockages

Releasing blockages, rolls and patterns, (in my light work I help to solve themes and blockages gently)

Chakra and Auraharmonization in individual counseling

Clarification of the emotional and mental body

Advice on Litios light crystals and diamonds for your aura

Harmonization of house and living space, garden, office, clarification with Litios light crystals,

Earth healing

Meditations and medial healing trips with bright angels and masters

Mental light operation (without physical touch) also possible remote healing

[Update: The "Steps to Leadership" reference has been removed from this resume within the last three months, May 31, 2017]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This helps put "Steps to Leadership" (POV-lite) into context, eh?

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