Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Healing Metaphors A-Z - Wisdom tooth – impacted

Wisdom tooth – impacted
The wisdom teeth are the last molar teeth on each side of the jaw. If one is impacted, there is not enough room for it in the mouth. This represents our feeling that there is not enough space for us to express ourselves or have our desires met. There is a loss of self-love and possibly even a repressed death temptation. We have untapped, impacted evolutionary wisdom and love that wants to be shared. There is an aspect of our character that is obstructing us rather than helping. We have been attempting to push ourselves rather than trust or use our wisdom. This problem also represents an experience of feeling held-back to such a degree that we find it difficult to express ourselves. We are living in a continued or controlled way in an attempt to get our needs met without getting hurt. We are lacking confidence and may try to change ourselves in an untrue way.

Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst, Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor


Anonymous said...

Louise Hay: "Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Not giving yourself mental space to create a firm foundation."

Yet another metaphor ripped off by Chuck. One wonders if he ever came up with ANYTHING original. All of his dogma is swiped from others-- Louise Hay, ACIM, Oneness University, etc.

cooper said...

Don't forget the 2012 silliness from Jose Arguelles. Chuck appropriated that too. Also Hawaiian aboriginal culture.

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