Monday, February 13, 2017

Healing Metaphors A-Z - Rectal Cancer, Rectal Itch, Rectal Pain

Rectal Cancer
The rectum is a sphincter that functions to help bowel movements to pass from the colon out of the body. With cancer of the rectum, we are carrying the rectal pain on to a further degree (see Rectal Pain). We want to get rid of the past at any cost. The shadow figure of the Destroyer and the Undoer Conspiracy play a prominent part in this illness. This shadow and conspiracy come into play just as some project or new level in our life is coming to fruition. They undo everything that has taken place to get to this point and destroy the project or new level that was available.

Rectal Itch
A rectal itch is a medical metaphor tied in with shadow figures, especially ‘the urge to wreck.’ We have considerations (‘buts’) that slow or stop us, yet we are impatient and are ‘itching’ to rush forward into our purpose, productivity and accomplishment. We want to let go of our considerations, yet we are caught by them: ‘I would fulfill my purpose, but…’ These exceptions are a result of irritation at having to let go of some of our desires, dreams and idols. We are afraid because we feel like we have left, or will leave, a part of us behind if we go forward.

Rectal Pain
With rectal pain, someone is being a pain in the ass to us. We feel that somebody is wrecking our plans and dreams by not acting according to the script that we’re assigning to them.

Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst, Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor

1 comment:

Well the story is not so new said...

Notice how Spezzano uses a lot of wordplay in these metaphors. In this case it is "rectal" compared to the concept of "wrecked all" as he attempts to make the victim feel guilty. This rather crude attempt at poetics is a major part of his formula in inventing these bogus Louise Hay ripoffs.

These metaphors are really very destructive to fragile people, which is part of his design in order to lure followers to his cult.

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