Monday, October 18, 2021

Amateur with a Messiah Complex

Feb. 2017

The Youtube "Das Spiel des Lebens gewinnen" - Webcast mit Dr. Chuck Spezzano & Brita C. Dahlberg is a 29 minute piece where  Brita Dahlberg of the Frankfurter Ring helps Chuck promote his 2017 European book tour/lecture circuit using the device of a softball interview. Anke Schuppan, who was a POV trainer at the time, acts as an interpreter.

The webcast format is seldom visually kind to the participants and this one is no exception. Spezzano and Schuppan did not fare well in this regard as they were both much too close to the camera and were unable to use much body language in their presentation, pretty much squandering the medium. Plus the camera angle was unflattering. Dahlberg was more savvy in this regard, and we got to watch her body be contracted in a polite cringe as she clearly endured something she did not appear to enjoy. Chuck came across as very tired and checked out, like a politician repeating the same stump speech in a re-election campaign. He needs to slow down and take care of himself-- he needs to walk his talk or he is going to crash. The entire proceeding presented people running on automatic and on fumes, although Anke did show a bit of spark when she had the chance which was not often.

There was a bird sound effect throughout the presentation and I wonder where that came from? It was like the sound in a cartoon when someone gets clobbered on the head and little birds fly around the victim's cranium in a circle, tweeting away-- sort of a metaphor if you want to think of it that way.

Since Dahlberg can speak English, and fairly well from what I can see, I wonder why Anke was there? The German/English back and forth really broke up any sort of flow. Chuck has been making tons of money off of affluent Germans/Swiss/Austrians for years, you think the least he could do would be to learn their language.

The actual content of this video is not remarkable. Chuck made a weak attempt at a dirty joke at the start that was probably lost in translation, giving us a glimpse into his lewd sense of humor (he calls it "bawdy" but others have a different term for it) and his lack of class. And as usual, Chuck claims everything boils down to guilt and he seems to have an inside track on knowing that Heaven exists and what Heaven wants for us. You don't know anything about Heaven, but he does, apparently.

Most interesting of all was around the 13:10 mark where in order to puff up his credentials Chuck says, "I've been going on four and half decades of being a healer and therapist." Some would say that was his Ego talking. Please remember, this guy is not licensed and he is not a professional. His description of being a "healer and therapist" is one of his own invention. Chuck is not recognized as a "healer and therapist" by any reputable professional or academic sources. He is not accountable to any professional boards or standards. He is an amateur with a Messiah Complex.

An interviewer from the Frankfurter Ring like Dahlberg is not going to challenge him on this point. That organization, one of several that promotes Spezzano events in Germany, has falsely claimed Chuck has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology (he does not) and is a "psychologist" (he is not, even by German standards). The Frankfurter Ring has blown their credibility.

This was not really an interview, it was an advertisement.

If Chuck ever wants to talk with those of us on this blog in a real interview setting (probably via email) we would be more than happy to work with him, or even one of his POV spokespeople. The last thing we want to do is be spreading some untruth, so if there is something false we are perpetuating POV needs to let us know what that is, especially as our hit rate is rising. We will provide an interview format for POV so their point of view and side of the story can be presented, but the flipside is they might have to answer some questions they wish would just go away.

This invite extends to POV trainers, ex-trainers, members, ex-members, spouses, ex-spouses, etc. You do not need permission from the Spezzanos in order to tell your story. You are a free person and entitled to free expression.

The comment section here is moderated, so in order to contact us without being public if you prefer, simply express a desire on your comment that it is intended to be private, not to be posted and that will be respected. Please give us contact info if you wish a response.


Anonymous said...

You do not need permission from the Spezzanos in order to tell your story. You are a free person and entitled to free expression.

This is a very healthy approach and trainers, advanced trainers, 100 day grads and even his wife must know it is finally their time to share what is really true! Be honest and open, don't be scared to really say how bad all of this really is!
Time to be free of the POV constraints and live your own life that you are due, with all of it's imperfections , because that is what is really real, be yourself, be free!!

Anonymous said...

Why is Anke no longer a POV trainer?

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