Friday, October 29, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Spiritual Botox

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," March 28, 2014]:

 Lency and Chuck Spezzano, 2016


Ngystle Society, Psychology of Vision International Association (with the Swiss bank account), Oneness University, America-China Bridge Ltd., First Nations Fund ...

It would be nice to know if the RCMP, Scotland Yard, Revenue Canada, US IRS, Hawaii Dept. of Taxation and other government agencies are creating a chart as they try to piece together the (literally) crazy-quilt of Psychology of Vision and how all these and many other corporate bodies inter-relate, especially when it comes to money. POV is, after all, a business making an enormous profit from retail spirituality and junk science as they prey upon vulnerable and damaged people.

Part of the insidiousness of POV are the fraudulent credentials the founders present to the world. On a superficial glance Charles Lee Spezzano could pass as a professional. But he is far from that. As documented here on NAFPS, his Ph. D. is not recognised by the APA and he is certainly no psychologist. Yet Charles allows himself to be described as "one of the world’s leading psychologists" as evidenced by this POV marketing in the UK:
(Substituted link)

If Charles is such a leader, why doesn't he have a listing in Wikipedia? It appears a gentleman named Matt Blythe attempted to file an entry on Spezzano, but was denied because, among other things, Charles was not considered to be worthy of recognition:
[Substitute link from original in NAFPS]

Blythe, by the way, has a YouTube demonstrating the "Power of Joining":

One of the corporate entities deserving more scrutiny is Spezzano & Associates Ltd. This enterprise has Charles as President and Lenora as Vice-President. Psychology of Vision appears to be merely a branch and front end of SAL.

Excerpts from the POV Trainers Manual:
(Substitute link)


    p. 4 "The Trainer works with Spezzano and Associates Limited (SAL) to develop the principles, the model and their own process."


    p. 4 "The Trainer works with SAL to develop the means of taking the work to communities and people who are not able to pay the market rate for training."


    p. 11 "The Psychology of Vision Trainer Has Access to:
    1. Attendance (without paying additional tuition) to the 10-Day Training (each language will be provided $4000 USD towards English translation).
    2. Permission to use the copyright, trademarks, names goodwill of The Psychology of Vision and the right to call oneself a PoV Trainer. (for China speak to China Committee)
    3. One coaching session every other month from a PoV Coach designated by SAL.
    4. Conference calls with Chuck or Lency."


    p. 21 "All Trainers who enter the program will have to, at some point, deal with their independence issues at a very deep level. This can be
    easily recognized and identified when the Trainer begins to act out authority conflict issues through complaining, bad attitude, or other expressions of the rebel shadow or story. This is the biggest challenge for Trainers in the program. Usually, at some point in the training everybody faces these issues and feels they are at a crossroads. At this point, they may decide to go off on their own (and they do so with the blessing of SAL), or they decide to move forward within the Psychology of Vision structure and take positions of authority and assist with policy."

Naturally these passages bring up a host of other issues, for the time being let's focus on exactly what role SAL has in the POV organization. Does SAL overrule the POV Steering Committee (which also has Charles and Lenora as members)? How many stockholders are there in SAL? Does SAL have other non-POV for-profit undertakings? Where does SAL stop and POV begin?  

Lenora's Linked In describes her as a trainer at Spezzano and Associates:
[Update: This link has been mostly shut down for public viewing]

The Hawaii Dept. of Commerce and Consumer Affairs has Spezzano and Associates Ltd. listed as a domestic profit corporation.

SAL was incorporated in 1990 and the Spezzanos are the only two officers. The corporation's purpose is "TO CONDUCT SEMINARS AND LECTURES THROUGH OUT THE WORLD."

In the tradenames/marks category, rights to both "Psychology of Vision" and "Psychology of Vision Press" have expired. Presumably someone else could snap up those trademarks today. POV's purpose is given as "SEMINARS, LECTURES, SELLING PRODUCTS (BOOKS, AUDIO & VIDEO TAPES, CARD DECKS)."
[Update: Apparently the POV trademark has been renewed]

A look at the POV Trainers Manual will confirm this organization is a cult centered around Charles and Lenora, but even more than that it is a for-profit business selling spirituality at very expensive rates.

1 comment:

Jay Sheffield said...

POV is not a religion or healing movement. It is a for-profit business using cultish methods of manipulation to groom a never ending source of revenue from vulnerable chumps.

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