Saturday, November 6, 2021

You have to understand that most people can't feel love

Lency and Chuck Spezzano talk about love, accompanied with a mood-setting piano soundtrack, in a series of Dec. 2016 trailers for the LiebesRevolution.

Here's a sample from Lency where she explains how normal people like you and me don't know how to love, but I am sure for a large fee the Spezzanos will train you how to achieve this goal. Chuck, in fact, charges over $1000 an hour for personal consultations. This is a good time to remind the readers neither one of the Spezzanos are professionals or licensed by the State of Hawaii to practice psychology:

"You have to understand that most people can't feel love. Very few people on the planet can actually feel love. Its because they don't have their heart chakra open. Most people the highest level of consciousness they've achieved is the solar plexus, which has more to do with survival needs, y'know, and getting one's needs met, and that's kinda how people relate in the world. They love people but they can't feel their love for people. It's like, I know I love Grandma, but I can't feel it, I just know I love her."
[Update May 19, 2018: It appears the link is now dead, Jim]


Anonymous said...

The arrogance and elitism of her statement is incredible. Who are the Spezzanos to make such pronouncements? These two grizzled grifters really think very highly of themselves.

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if lency has her own grandchildren and she's making excuses for them ,
jeesh, lency looks like she's in real rough shape, looks like she lost what was left of her mind,
it looks like even a pet dog would have trouble loving her, never mind grandchildren
are they that desperate to post this about themselves, it looks like they can't self assess about how they come across how they look to the public.. how can anyone believe their dogma when they look this downtrodden to new recruits ,heck their own indoctrinated ones should ask many many questions about why they're still following them, how about all the money they wasted to emulate, is this their end result ?? to look like how lency is now ???
what a horrible thing to waste all of your money on.

Anonymous said...

Looks like c & L just tapped into a new market to help recruit & indoctrinate stroke victims. Lency must emulate the new age "healer" that can keep the "healing " going whether you're fried or not , doesn't seem to matter , as it is a never ending rabbit hole of never being healed.
What a way to end up!!
Obviously incapable of self assessment , and even worse to use this as a marketing ploy is a very desperate attempt to qualify their business "as anything goes".
From a business prospective ,this promotional video does not reflect health at it's optimum , in fact it is totally contrary to what health looks like. It is very revealing as it clearly displays the extent of deterioration of both model leaders of their very own self promoted POV Model. It shows desperation at forcing a healing message that appears to create a psychotic result. This is far from enticing as an attractive POV promo,it is indeed "twight zone" material!!!

Lovemaster Louie said...

You have to understand that most cult leaders don't know how to give a shit about your welfare. Very few large group awareness CEOs actually feel empathy. It's because their own Messiah Complex has no room for you. Most people the highest level of consciousness they've achieved is the feeding of their bank account, which has more to do with survival needs, y'know, and getting one's needs met, and that's kinda how people relate in the world. They love money and power but they can't feel their love for people. It's like, I know I love money, but I can't feel actual love for the fools who hand it over to me.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't even edit out Lency hacking on phlegm while her husband tries to block her out by squaring off his face so that the viewer only looks at him and ignores her. Great Team work !!!

Anonymous said...

A pair of narcissistic con artists

Franic Le Morphe said...

I'm sorry this video is no longer available as it demonstrated how Lency is out in space while Chuck is spaced out. Not one of their better performances. They are currently on the casino circuit nostalgia phase of their careers at this point. Embarrassing to watch. I actually feel bad for them when I see videos like this.

Year of the Cat said...

It was shortly after this that POV lost half of their trainers.

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