Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Lure of "Happy Money"

Psychology of Vision trainer Veronica Lim has a tried and true bait and clobber method of recruitment for the cult in Singapore. First, offer a free workshop about a subject most people can relate to. Using the coin of the realm is always effective. And hey, it is "free"!


But as any fish who was snagged by a lure and hook can tell you, all that glitters is not what it seems. I'm sure the "free" workshop is merely an introduction, where the attendee will be under pressure to sign up for the expensive POV "Wishing Well Workshop" which takes place a few days later. Notice how the language in this ad is different than the previous one. The use of the word "abundance" should be a big clue, which has been used as POV-speak word for many years as code for a preoccupation with materialism.

I hope the authorities in Singapore are tracking this cult closely.


Lucre McGee said...

My money is much happier not being spent on POV activities.

Joe Gunn said...

She has used this same formula for quite some time. Apparently Veron is no longer a POV trainer, although she still kowtows to the Spezzanos.

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