Sunday, August 19, 2018

NAFPS Selections: POV is not responsible for anything that happens to you

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Piff," September 23, 2013]:

 Information from people who have attended these workshops:

When you enter the venue you must sign a waiver that states POV is not responsible for anything that happens to you. Doesn't matter if you have health challenges or not. You sign this, everyone already present witnesses this and also signs it, then you get a name tag and are allowed in.

Next everyone is supposed to "dance to the music". There is peer pressure to dance, and the dancing continues til Chuck and Lency show up. Chuck and Lency sit in nice cushy chairs, in front of the audience, whose chairs are arranged in a horseshoe shape. Where exactly you are seated is supposed to be symbolic of various issues you are unconscious of - such as birthing, death, "deep rooted chronic", etc.

There is also a chair for a participant chosen to be the "group mind". Everyone is supposed to listen to what they say, because as the Spezzanos claim "There is only one of us here".

Before the public workshop even begins the Spezzanos meet in private with their trainers, they spend about an hour working them over emotionally, they "process" them, often this is very intense and emotional.

At the beginning of the workshop the trainers stand up front of the group and read the ground rules about confidentiality and commitments. You stand up to show agreement. You are reminded of these commitments during the entire event. You cannot attend part of an event, you have to be there for every day, all day, if it is three days, ten, whatever. You are pressured to stay in the room, told that if you get up and leave to use the washroom that you are in denial of your issues.

Everyone is paired off in a buddy system and given work to do with each other. Trainers keep scanning the room, looking for people to target and upset.

Chuck sometimes roams the room, stares at people to get them worked up.

Trainers work the room, massage people's shoulders, tap their backs, touch them, and whisper to them to get them upset and emoting.

Sometimes participants basically pass out, while several people are doing supposed body work on them, the participants end up screaming, vomiting, going into delirious laughter (which is supposedly "bliss" - the goal)

A trainer held a participant and tapped their throat area hard while whispering that they needed to let go, the person was sore for weeks after this treatment.

Some people have break downs and end up desperate and incoherent. Some behave aggressively flirtatious.

Chuck tells a lot of sexual jokes. He gestures with the mic as a penis, raising it up and down.  He also states with words and motions that if a woman opens her heart, her body will be open for sex.

Chuck has promoted gambling for after workshops as he claims participants' luck has improved.

There is a lot of pressure to keep taking workshops, keep paying, keep up to their standards.

Anyone who has critical questions is told they are in resistance and not doing the work.

Anyone who leaves the group is shunned and mistreated.

1 comment:

Cast the stone said...

What a soiled legacy.

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