Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Kurt Sommer

From POV trainer Kurt Sommer's website


Marinus van der Lubbe said...

This post, which has no editorial comment, experiences a high number of hits. It is merely included as another document in the Spezzano archive. Curious why this one is singled out.

The thing about the trainers in central Europe I find interesting is that all of them seem to be people who would have been better off without the albatross of Psychology of Vision around their necks.

If all of these trainers had expended the same loyalty and energy they did in salivating over the Spezzanos as they would have in investing in legitimate academic education I'm sure they would have done well by now. I can't believe the Spezzanos offered a less expensive alternative. Plus, POV is not recognized by any professional psychological organization in any country as a valid solution to the outrageous healing claims POV markets.

As an American, I can testify that Chuck Spezzano is the Donald Trump of the New Age. POV is the Trump University of Europe. It is all fake. Just like Chuck Spezzano's claims about his professional credentials. Or Lency's denial of the influence of Oneness University on POV. This couple are people who apparently have no problem with lying in order to protect their profit margin.

Those levels in the pyramid you reach as POV trainers and the certificates you are granted-- it is all meaningless in the professional world. You are operating in an enclosed personality cult designed purely to enhance the bank account of Chuck and Lency Spezzano. You are dupes. Mules. Puppets. Human ATMs.

You Europeans have been taken for a ride by a fast-talking American con artist. It interests me that Chuck Spezzano represents everything about Americans that Europeans make fun of-- an overweight fast-talking money-obsessed bad-fashion vulgarian. We Yanks see all the red flags right away but culturally you Euros are probably blind to them. There is a reason why POV is not active in the United States. Think about that. I mean, really think. That's something you Euro POV followers are not used to doing, but give it a try. Take the red pill.

Your true path to enlightenment rests in recognizing the truth about how you have been manipulated by POV and then you can grow from there as a liberated human being instead of an existence as a cash milk cow for the Spezzanos. Godspeed in that effort. I am sure it won't be easy.

But of course you won't. By the time you reach trainer status the brainwashing is pretty complete. That good ol' group mind.

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."

How steep my stairs said...

As of 2017 Kurt is no longer a POV trainer.

edward said...

His website appears to be stripped of all mention of POV

Wanlop said...

His website appears to be stripped, period.

Year of the Cat said...

His website is gone. I have supplied the Internet Archive version in the link.

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