Saturday, October 12, 2024

Even Chuck himself says that his Psychology is a hoax

This is actually old news which I have rediscovered. Julian Ticehurst, former POV trainer and employee of Spezzano and Associates Ltd. and spouse of Janie Patrick Ticehurst (co-author with Chuck Spezzano of Healing Metaphors A-Z), made the following statement on Twitter back in 2010 under his "Julian Edward" handle:

"I’d say that a good half of people who attend the groups think it’s nonsense too but they use the tools and love it for that.

even Chuck himself says that his Psychology if [sic] a hoax. But he’s not interested in people believing it. Only in the results."


Forby Clonetorcher said...

"Hoax" is a polite word for "scam."

Worthy Tobias Alleine said...

There will always be a certain percentage of people who are, through various circumstances that usually have to do with being vulnerable, willing to accept and believe the sort of con game Spezzano is peddling. Apparently there have been enough of them to keep Chuck and Lency in an affluent lifestyle, but not enough to propel them to the levels of others they swipe from and emulate. In the New Age world, the Spezzanos are small time hustlers. They have added nothing original to the alternative healing dialogue as they merely echo whatever fad seems profitable at the time.

Chuck Spezzano is not a licensed psychologist and his Ph.D. is unaccredited by the APA.

Ask yourself why has his POV not taken hold in his native country? One clue: the USA has very strong consumer protection laws and regulations against frauds.

Eyes of Emotion said...

What a sad, pathetic little scam cult.

Any Day Now said...

To reflect reality, the quote should be:

"I’d say that a good half of people who attend the groups think it’s nonsense too but they use the tools and love it for that because it relieves them of the burden of thinking.

even Chuck himself says that his Psychology is a scam. But he’s not interested in people believing it. Only in the profit margin."

Sandy S. said...

Isn't this hoax/reality dual view an excellent example of suffering from a "split mind"?

black canary said...

Ultimately what the Spezzanos offer are performances. And they don't look to be truly entertaining performers.
Going to a music concert, opera, play, creative artistic event ... definitely more inspiring and enjoyable than watching an aging con man work a room.

Thee who knowest thine said...

The only results Chuck is interested in is his profit margin and the amount of adoration he soaks in.

Father You Never Had said...

Of COURSE it is a hoax. Is Spezzano ever going to come clean and admit to the world that he has been running a scam or will he go to his grave knowing he has been living a lie without confessing his sins of greed and vanity to the world? He's both a bad Catholic and a bad New Ager.

Clifford Irving said...

Chuck Spezzano's name at birth was "Elmer Gantry," or so it would seem.

Tom Joad said...

For quite some time Julian was one of the Spezzano's major hagiographers, so this "hoax" statement is quite an admission.

Ambrose Wolfinger said...

When people are hurt and desperate feeling like they are drowning in their own sorrow they will grab at the words of any fast-talking con artist for salvation. Chuck and Lency Spezzano are those con artists. Their marketing is based on lies and in the professional field of psychology they are considered to be sleazy bottom feeders with venal motives although some simply view Lency as crazy.

Psychology of Vision has created a lot of damage and it is time for this fiasco to be stopped.

roger said...

"Lies can be put on just one blog, and they get shared and re-shared by people looking for material for their own blogs, which then gets shared again and again and again, running up the number of 'hits' of viewers."--Lency Spezzano

Year of the Cat said...

Chuck is on record saying he thinks psychology in general is a hoax, but in this case Julian takes it an extra step, telling us Chuck says his own brand of "healing" is a hoax as well.

Anonymous said...

A case of the ends justifying the means, with the ends being filling the Spezzano bank account with the cash of vulnerable affluent people who have more money than sense.

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