Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Theory of Everything with Lency Spezzano

Sept. 2016

This 33 minute video was filmed around 2010/2011, probably in Hawaii during the annual POV trainers' training.

The first part of this presentation is pretty unoriginal and tedious. It is Lency unfolding a crazy quilt of well-worn pseudoscience concepts on quantum physics, ACIM, the "enlightenment paradigm," and Living in the Dream, among other things. Nothing really "cutting edge" or new here-- just another example of a New Age capitalist attempting to co-opt science and using a lot of fancy lingo and blather to sound "sciency."

A kind person would say she's just a nutjob true believer. A cynical person would say she is a jaded con artist. I do believe her husband belongs in the latter category, but I have to yet to figure out where Lency is coming from. Her online defenses of POV are riddled with errors, denial of reality, and revisionist history worthy of Kim Jong Un. In many ways it doesn't matter whether she is crazy or a crook-- what she is doing is harmful and dangerous to vulnerable people no matter what her motives are.

But around 21:35 this video is worth watching. Lency treats us to another example of her powers of "downloading" and "joining." Last year the vast majority of her video examples were deleted from public view on Youtube, so you can imagine my delight in discovering this one.

Compared to other "downloading/joining" episodes, this one is fairly tame, but still worth a sitdown with a bowl of popcorn. Also, the camera work here is slightly better than in the Youtube versions, but the audio still suffers.

The victim this time is trainer Melinda Chang. The music starts, "Sunrise" by Bliss (uncredited, by the way). Lency likes using music by this group to set the mood in most of her sessions that have been filmed (and deleted).

As I said this was a fairly tame hypno show compared to others. Lency didn't point at her right eye, she didn't spin around, but she does do the usual grimacing and emoting.

At 26:20 Melinda starts shaking. At 27:46 weird sounds of freaking out are heard, at the same time the music changes ("This Love" by Bliss, also uncredited).

The remaining seven minutes are padded with what I call Trophy Time, Lency shows off her handiwork to the live audience-- a shaking jelly of human wreckage. The camera occasionally shows us the viewers, who I think of as the Church of the Quivering Brethren, although I have seen them shaking more in other videos than in this one.


Anonymous said...

POV makes it all so complicated when it doesn't need to be.

Nendo Birzingo said...

The first 2/3 of this video reminds me of conversations in college after a group of students got really high, or after having six beers in a local pub. At the time it all makes sense, but the next morning you think, "What the Hell was I thinking?" POV has not matured beyond that point in development. It is a group run by and attended by the intellectually immature and emotionally vulnerable. There are no grown ups in Psychology of Vision, which is to say there is no one responsible or accountable.

zorba said...

Melinda is no longer a POV trainer and now embraces Oneness University.

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