Friday, July 8, 2016

Jeff is an inspiring and charismatic coach and seminar leader

It would appear that although Jeff Allen resigned his position as a Psychology of Vision master trainer, he is still in the POV Habitrail:


"To discover your true potential, you must first find your own limits, then you have to have the courage to go beyond them.". Picabo Street

How much time and energy is lost in worries, fears or conflicts - rather than that we follow our true heart's desire? How about if we invest our time in areas of life that bring us our true potential closer? In things that truly make us happy, open your heart and give rise to the feeling that life is beautiful and lovable?

Jeff is an inspiring and charismatic coach and seminar leader, and a former Master Trainer of Psychology of Vision. He has helped in the past 20 years thousands of people around the world to improve their lives and especially their relationships.

At this inspiring evening we invite you!

Note this event is sponsored by POV DACH. Jeff is also included in POV DACH's schedule of events:
[Update Aug. 19, 2019: Dead link]

So how does the money trail work in this case if he is no longer a trainer but continues to be a promoter for and promoted by POV? In any case, the Big Change he wrote about earlier this year when he stepped down from his trainer status turned out to be not so big after all.

1 comment:

Jack Clifford said...

Jeff's charisma must be something you have to see in person because in the videos he comes across like the Tor Johnson of POV. Also, "seminars" include discussion and critical questioning, that is not the case in POV.

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