Thursday, October 28, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Downloading/Joining Review: "Surrendering to God's Concept of You"

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," March 04, 2015]:

Downloading/Joining Review: "Surrendering to God's Concept of You" (08:09) posted Nov. 19, 2012.

Text introduction:


    Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Surrendering to God's Concept of Yourself. Open your heart and receive the gift as well. [This video is a rare survivor of the May 2015 purge]

The victim here is a woman I do not recognize, and Lenora's pronunciation of her name is difficult to translate. So I'll just call her Saki since that sounds close and she is apparently Japanese. I sincerely apologize for the lack of data here and my guesswork. No personal disrespect is intended.

I always liked this session for two reasons. First, the initial question goes against the grain of most of these "downloading/joining" shows because the subject is willing to ask God, "What do YOU want me to do?" rather the usual SALPOV selfish "Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie" (i.e., "receiving") where God is equated with Santa Claus (aka, Seasonal Gift Giving Man) and Lenora is Santa's little helper. But as we'll see, I become once again disappointed by the direction of this seemingly noble request in SALPOV. Secondly, this one has the most surreal and unintentionally humorous conclusion that makes me laugh every time.


    LKS: So [Saki-san (?)], I understand its your birthday. And I understand that means that you can have anything that you want. Anything you want, we can receive it ...

Lenora has already started the hand motions for hypnosis at this point.


    LKS: ... all we have to do is be willing to have our mind changed, our brain patterns changed so that we can receive what in truth we deserve. We deserve every good thing, we have a loving, rich father, who wants only the very best for us.

Well said and spoken like the entitled American that she is. Normal, workaday wage slave people around the world are too busy trying to makes ends meet to have the time or the incredibly large amounts of money required for entry into SALPOV. What Lenora is running here is a spiritual gated community. Heck, just to get into the SALPOV Healing Metaphors A-Z, a foundation block of the cult, you need a special password. And apparently inter-cult communication is done through the expensive corporate Comindwork network. Working class people need not apply. To be a cult follower in good standing you need to be able to afford airfare to and lodging in Hawaii for extended periods, plus the thousands, yes, I said thousands in fees required to be a SALPOV trainer EVERY YEAR!

What a scam.  


    LKS: [looks at her victim and lays into the right eye thing for a moment] So, of everything you could possibly have, what would you most love to receive?

Interesting that Lenora really starts the direct gaze method early in the process here. But I went in reverse chronological order in these reviews, so perhaps she was still in the learning stages here.


    S: [through a translator] I would like myself to surrender totally to God.

[Gives S. the ol' right eye and then says--] Surrender totally to God. What would that look like or be like? What quality or aspect are you imagining and wanting to receive?

    S: The state of no tension. Its a state of no self-judgement and self-doubt. Without having to ask, am I right or wrong?

Saki's motivation is not entirely selfless. She wants to be free of typical human foibles. I was sort of hoping to see at least one SALPOV cult follower mention the word "sacrifice" and being willing to experience some potential hardship when it came to serving God's will. But no. This is a cult all about getting (i.e. "receiving"), and getting a lot (i.e. "abundance").

Since Lenora is presenting herself as a conduit between the person making the request and "Heaven's grace," she in effect becomes the physical embodiment of God during her weirdo parade of expressions. Personally, I think God has more class than that.


    LKS: OK. So is it as if you would be willing to receive the self concept that is the concept that God has of you? Does that sound good?

[nod yes]

    LKS: OK? Yeah, yeah. To just commit to letting go of the self-judgment, the self-attack that who you are is not what you should be. You recognize that this ego that we all have to live with, you know, that that is not you. That who you are is still as God created you. Perfect and whole, and one with Him in Heaven, right here and right now. Alright, that's a good one.

S. nods yes throughout Lenora's monologue, but it is not apparent she really understands what is being said. My opinion is that Lenora took this request and reshaped it to conform with SALPOV's manipulation of guilt as their core lure for drawing in other suckers. Actually, this technique of reshaping and restating the victim's request to fit the SALPOV dogma is consistent in almost all of these Youtubes.

This should serve as a consumer warning for all of you considering jumping into the Psychology of Vision cult. They will use you much more than you could ever use them.


    LKS: [looks at audience] Are you ready?

Then she nods to the sound crew at 2:56, who play "Om shanti" by Bliss, and the direct gaze method of hypnotism starts for real. The audio is incredibly bad, as usual. Given the importance of music in her mind manipulation process, this audio defect alone would have prevented me from releasing these videos as a marketing tool, but apparently Lenora is from the Ed Wood school of filmmaking. Come to think of it, it was the same part of me that was fascinated by the utter failure of Ed Wood films that also served as the original attraction to Lenora's videos, and hence SALPOV. As I mentioned earlier at first I found her videos to be humorous, but then it dawned on me how sadistic and powertripping they were. And I could no longer just stand by and simply laugh as I learned how this cult victimized people.

During the hypnosis time in this video there is nothing unusual. The victim trembles and Lenora goes through her predictable stages of weirdass expressions. In the final minute during the trophy display we see something pretty funny. We are treated to a solid minute of Lenora posing in the role of a local festival queen aboard a parade float waving blankly. Her frozen expression reminds me so much of those joke conclusions on those old Police Squad epilogues-- 

1 comment:

Dudley Dickerson said...

Hmm, which is funnier? Police Squad or this video?

OK, it is this video.

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