Thursday, October 28, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Downloading/Joining Review: "Healing Shame"

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," March 04, 2015]:

Downloading/Joining Review: "Healing Shame" (07:46) posted Nov. 23, 2012.

Text introduction:


    Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download." Open your heart and receive the gift as well. [Removed from public view May 2015]

Today's contestant in this popular game show also known as "What's My Lyin'?" appears to be Japanese SALPOV trainer Naoko Takahashi, I think.

Contrary to what the SALPOV cult followers might believe, I personally have never written a comment on any of these Youtubes, but several other critics have (there is more than one of us here), and those contrary viewpoints have been erased as well as Lenora's responses to them. However, as of today when I am writing this, one comment on this particular video seems to have survived the purge and it really sums up what most of us think when we view these "downloading/joining" Youtubes. The comment from neptuniumforest a year ago is simply, "what in the world"

Yup, I have been asking myself that same question for more than a year and a half now.


    LKS: Happy birthday, Naoko-san.

    NT: Thank you.

    LKS: So, its your birthday. You can have absolutely anything you want. You can have any change in your world, in your life that you want because you know how it works, change your mind, change the world.

The Boomers sure wanted to change the world, it was one of the distinguishing characteristics of that generation.

And then came the Big Chill. The Spezzanos sold out all that was precious and spiritual and turned it into a carnival act as they appropriated cultural bullet points from First Nations, Hawaiians, India, etc. and then turned around and repackaged and marketed this stuff at incredibly high prices under the copyright-free umbrella of A Course in Miracles. Both Spezzanos started out in altruistic occupations, but what happened to these two? How did they become the sad self-imprisoned caricatures of hucksters we see today?

Of course one obvious answer looms large. Money. And, to some degree, power. But money appears to be the main incentive from my perspective.

Back to the sideshow--


    LKS: So, you can have any download, you can receive any gift that you like. What would you most love to receive?

Listen carefully to her tone at "What would you most love to receive?" (starting about 0:37) and watch her facial expressions and body language after she asks that question. In the seconds between her question and Naoko's answer Lenora sort of breaks character, deflates and projects an expression of trapped resignation and barely concealed resentment that she has to lower herself to perform these dog and pony shows in order to promote her vast "powers." Try it frame by frame. Fascinating visual dynamic taking place here.


    NT: I want to take shame. Take shame?

    LKS: Uh-huh, remove shame.

    NT: Remove shame? Yes.

[turns to audience] This is so important in Japanese society, right? Shame is so ingrained. I get chicken skin when I say that.

"Chicken Skin" is actually a disease called Keratosis pilaris--


    LKS: Its just, just from birth you're sort of behavior modified to the use of shame. So that's a brilliant gift, that's a brilliant thing to request. And we have a number of Japanese people with us but this shame is deeply ingrained in all of us. And it's just not the truth. So we're willing to let go of these ingrained patterns, this belief that were are guilty and that we should feel shame, that we don't deserve to be forgiven for our mistakes, OK?

    So this download will remove the belief that you should feel shame, it will remove the pattern, the habitual ingrained pattern in your neuro-net, the firing of the synapses that habitually take you and lead you into shame. It'll remove that and replace it with the understanding that you're innocent. And yes of course we all make mistakes. We're learning through our mistakes. But there's no cause, no reason for shame. OK?

    NT: Yes.

    LKS: Good one, OK.

So, perhaps this is an unfair question. But what if you are Ted Bundy? Lenora's theology seems to be a perfect fit for psychopaths. Shame does serve a purpose in our lives, after all. And maybe in Japanese culture the concept of shame is a very important cog in the cultural machine. No matter to Lenora, let's make them more like Americans! Manifest Destiny rules, man!

At the 2:45 mark Lenora signals the sound crew and "This Love" by Bliss has begun. At 2:52 Lenora directs her victim to stare at her right eye.

If you read Lenora's "Truth" screed you'll see she pretty much avoids the whole hypnosis charge including the many details we have brought up and she attempts to change the subject with distractive flak. But quite frankly I think she has given us the perfect evidence to have a hypnotherapy abuse law finally enacted in Hawaii.

Naoko's trembling begins immediately. Then trophy time starts at 5:12 and we are treated to our first pan of the Church of the Quivering Brethren at 5:36. And yes, I see the Big Lug is there too.

What in the world?


Ann Lee Doran said...

Stage hypnotism.

Long John Tarragon said...

Lency seems as trapped as her victims, making POV a mutual prison for wardens, guards, and prisoners.

Getting free from this sort of toxic group can be difficult for long term devotees. The deeper they get the more "enlightened" they believe they are, when in fact they are steeped in knowing more and more about less and less. Less and less = Chuck and Lency.

Psychology of Vision is a very dangerous corporation. Personally, I believe Chuck Spezzano is a total con artist but Lency could possibly be a true believer who is just out to lunch, although that is giving her the benefit of the doubt. But whatever the motives, the result is the same. POV clients are POV victims. Chuck and Lency are not psychologists, not licensed, not accountable, and have no business giving any life coaching of any kind.

Anonymous said...

In the last image: Melinda Chang, Avril Woodward, Yanni Hwang, Babs Stevens-- Babs is the the only who is still a trainer.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it appears Naoko is no longer a POV trainer as well.

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