Tuesday, October 26, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Downloading/Joining Review: "Chillaxing"

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," March 04, 2015]:

Downloading/Joining Review: "Chillaxing" (5:39) posted May 9, 2013.

Text introduction:


    Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Chillaxing. Open your heart and receive the gift as well
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmfpTgQBjAM [Removed from public view May 2015]

Lenora's "downloading/joining" partner in this session is Nicky Rangecroft (recently also known as Nicky Pilgrim), who is currently one of the few SALPOV trainers left in the UK as their numbers rapidly decline--

http://web.archive.org/web/20130602055640/http://www.psychologyofvision.co.uk/trainers/nicky-pilgrim/ [Update, Jan. 4, 2017: It appears Nicky is no longer a POV trainer]


    LKS: So Nicky, I understand today is your birthday and because of that you can receive any gift at all that you want from Heaven. You have a rich Father, everything that is His is yours. You can have anything, receive it as a download, a direct input into your brain that will either change a negative pattern that's in your neuro-net, or add the light pattern that is the positive gift, whatever it is that you want.

    So, you must have been thinking about this, knowing it was your birthday. So what would you love to have? Anything you want.

    NR: I guess what I'd love to have is relaxation. I'd love to relax.

    LKS: What a great idea.
[turns to audience] That's a good one, huh?

    NR: I think my niece calls it "chillaxing."

[laughs] "Chillaxing." Great. Alright. To be able to totally chillax. Excellent.

Oh those kids these days and their crazy lingo.

Without further preliminaries, the two clasp hands at 1:18 and an unidentified piece of music plays. For whatever this observation is worth, during the hand clasping in these Youtube examples, the victim always has their palms up, with Lenora's grasping them from above in a dominant position. There seems to be little fumbling in this step among the participants in the video series. Apparently they have all been well-conditioned to respond accordingly.

And the facial carnival starts immediately but Nicky holds out until about 2:55 before the involuntary tremors are evident. At 3:11 or so Lenora lets out a huge exhale and turns Nicky toward the audience.

Now at this point I would like to point out that young Christopher Spezzano, when responding to critics of SALPOV, wrote: "The stories that are being spread on these sites are ridiculous and often lewd." Well, speaking of ridiculous and lewd, from what I can see Charles Lee Spezzano makes juvenile lewd jokes a staple in his presentations as a form of aggression and keeping his audience off-balance. His little sexual puns are pretty junior high school. Charles Lee Spezzano is the same guy who lectures on "emotional maturity":


And in the case of this Youtube, we see Lenora and Nicky mugging to the group as if they have just finished having sex. I'm not kidding. This goes on for two full minutes and the crowd loves it. I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that Lenora and Nicky are doing this, or that the followers find this so damn funny.

Piff has commented on the strong sexual undercurrents of these "downloading/joining" Youtubes, some more than others. Since this corporation is a steep hierarchy, this sexual element is a measurement of control and power, not love, not Heaven's grace. This only increases the creepout factor for those of us who live outside the SALPOV snowglobe.

Oh, not a steep hierarchy you say? Please read the attached Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual (must be signed in to view) before making your conclusion.

[Link supplied] 


Hal Fryar said...

Just when you thought these videos could not get any creepier ...

Year of the Cat said...


Wanlop said...

And here I thought Chuck was the only vulgar one. Guess I was wrong.

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