Wednesday, October 27, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Downloading/Joining Review: "Freedom from Judging the Ego"

 [From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," March 04, 2015]:

Downloading/Joining Review: "Freedom from Judging the Ego" (15:33) posted May 9, 2013.

Text introduction:


    Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Freedom from Judging the Ego. Open your heart and receive the gift as well [Removed from public view May 2015]

The person being subjected to hypnosis in this demonstration appears to be SALPOV trainer Joy Huang Huishu from Taiwan. [Update: Substitute link. Joy is no longer a POV trainer]

This particular example is quite disturbing as it borders the world of cult sadomasochism. The predator/prey, victor/victim, dominator/dominated body language in this Youtube is right there in your face. And it is hard to watch. This is about power, not love.


    LKS: Joy, I heard that is a special day. Its your birthday. Yeah? So, because its your birthday you can have anything that you want, you can have your heart's desire. You can heal anything you want, you can receive any gift, develop any quality, whatever you most want that's what we can have if we're willing to surrender and we're willing to shift our minds to make the actual neurological shift in the patterns we have entrenched in our minds. It can be straightened out, ironed out, cleared out, and the truth can come in. So what would you most love to receive?

Keyword: surrender. But not to God. To Lenora. She has inserted herself between the client and God, so in essence, she is now God.


    JHH: [through an interpretor] The thing I want to have most is that I will have no judgment.

    [They both laugh]

    LKS: [to audience] You remember the first time you just decided, "You know what, from now on I'm just going to stop judging"? Right? You know, age twentywhat, "I'm just going to stop judging." It was so heartbreaking. Its what the ego is, is just pure judgment. Attack. Separation. All of that. But what we can definitely experience while we're here, while we observe the ego inside us operating, we can remember that the ego is not us, its not who we are, its not the truth. And once we understand that, once we've made the shift we have that enlightenment paradigm. We can still get really disappointed when our ego shows up, bites us in the ass, attacks us for judging, you know, or for making a small mistake, and it blows the small mistake up and punishes us for it and we suffer as much as we used to when we were less enlightened. Okay?

    So how about if we ask for the freedom from judging ourselves for having the ego?

[nods Yes]

    LKS: Because the ego's with us until the very end, until Oneness, until we completely let the dream go, until we wake up to the true reality that is ours-- Oneness with God in Heaven, since that is the definition of Heaven, Our Oneness with God.

Ah, the good ol' "Oneness." Back in 2007, fresh from her lessons at Oneness University, Lenora renamed the "downloading/joining" procedure--

"Okay, so we're going to be having a joining session. In Psychology of Vision we're starting to call them 'Oneness Sessions' now."

You can find it at the 6:36 mark on this Youtube--


    LKS: So that experience is going on now and as we are pulling away the veils between us and the experience of remembrance of what's really happening and who we truly are. What we can do is that we can forgive ourselves for being in this experience, for this situation in which we are ridden by this ego, that we are slowly but surely dismantling because its not the truth, its not who we are.

Some thoughts. Lenora also tells us in another video our bodies are not who we are. So if you are not your ego, or your body, then who are you? Who are you? For $3000 she'll tell you. Remember, if you haven't failed, you haven't tried--

Well, that little SALPOV metaphor detour was fun.


    LKS: So we can ask for faith, and the reassurance of who we are in the face of the ego. And just give up the self-judgment that the ego still shows up, y'know, even though its less and less its dissolving, but to just stop giving ourselves such a hard time for any little mistake that we made, or the big mistakes as well. Y'know, because this is a learning situation and we learn through our mistakes. Its not like we are never supposed to make mistakes. Y'know, its through correction that we're learning and its through making mistakes and forgiving ourselves that we pull our judgments off of the world and other people.

"Remember, if you haven't failed, you haven't tried." Boy, that's really profound. Sure worth $3000, huh?


    LKS: So let's just ask for kindness and gentleness and acceptance for ourself in this situation that we seem to be in, in this dream state where we seem to have to share the experience with this ego that hasn't disappeared completely but whom we know is not us. Right? So just that self-forgiveness, that self-acceptance, its just what it is. Okay? Deal.

Now maybe I'm offbase here. But doesn't this sound like she has given permission to psychopaths to be themselves? The term "ego" is so broad and she doesn't really clearly define it, but it seems to me she just dismissed all of our actions in the social world outside of the SALPOV snowglobe as a dream.

OK, I am not a psychologist. But then again, neither are the Spezzanos. I am still sorting out their formula, but it appears to center on guilt. Happy, confident people do not sign up for SALPOV. When you read the testimonials by the cult followers everyone is broken, vulnerable, wounded, in a world of desperate hurt when they showed up at the SALPOV door. Well, they were all that, plus they all had lots of money to throw away. And if they didn't already have some form of self-punishing guilt, the Spezzanos would invent one for them (e.g. The Healing Keys). But poor people need not apply. This a for-profit business after all, you losers! And aftercare, that's going to cost you some big bucks as well.

Then through magical processes like the one about to be demonstrated, these self-appointed conduits to Heaven's grace will remove that guilt! But at a very big price. A very big price.

This next sentence could be viewed as an allegory/pun: Joy is about to pay a very big price for allowing herself to be manipulated by SALPOV--

At 5:04 Lenora signals the sound crew and "Through These Eyes" by Bliss is played with very bad audio. The song should be retitled, "Through my Right Eye." Joy is an easy mark. The tremors begin within 30 seconds. Lenora's Master Thespian act starts at 6:57. Maybe in the future I'll learn the practical function of this consistent feature in all of these videos on the art of mental manipulation. But from my simple earthly perspective it comes across as weird, corny and quite dangerous.

Poor Joy is really freaking out and Lenora is encouraging the process. From about 9:35 to 9:50 Lenora really lays into the whole right eye thing and then gives Joy a nonverbal command through nodding. Joy is now a quivering mess and normal people who are viewing this are surely saying, "Oh God, please let this torture stop! Let that poor woman go!" But no. At 10:30 Lenora extends the humiliation by making gestures again to her right eye in order to prolong this demonstration of her vast power. Rather ironic considering the stated title. The image at exactly 10:32 sums up the entire video. Creeeeepy.

From 10:50 to 11:09 we are provided with a close shot of Lenora's reptilian stare as Joy is loudly sobbing. These few seconds reveal a very predatory and sadistic attitude toward the SALPOV trainers. After watching this, why anyone would want to submit and surrender their dignity,  self-respect and personal freedom to this very public show of humiliation is beyond me.

At 11:22 while Joy is sobbing and shaking out of control, i.e., freaking out, the music changes to "Open" by Bliss (unaccredited) with very bad audio, and Lenora says something to Joy I cannot pick up.

At 12:59 Lenora begins the process of bringing Joy back to Earth from her freak-out hypnotic trance through a series of vertical motions over her eyes no less than eleven times. A pan of the Quivering Brethren and the showoff ritual is around 14:30 and we get a full frontal minute of Joy having a nervous breakdown.

Lenora Kay Spezzano has no professional credentials or qualifications to be submitting people to this sort of treatment. Actually, nobody should be submitted to this kind of treatment. Hawaii (where this video was recorded) has very lax laws concerning hypnotherapy abuse. Perhaps we need to lobby a few legislators over there to join the 21st century like many states in the mainland in enacting such codes. Such a law in Hawaii would end these "downloading/joining" sessions. Lenora's videos could serve as a classic case study to be shown to lawmakers on why such a law needs to be created.


Bess Flowers said...

I remember seeing this one before it was removed from public view. The best way to describe the poor victim in this instance is that she was totally freaking out and Lency had to pass her hand in front of her eyes numerous times (as these photos show) to bring the unfortunate quivering woman out of her hypnotic nightmare state. The whole thing made me feel sick.

You Never Walk Alone said...

This video, which I have seen, would not help Lency in a court of law should she be accused of using hypnosis as a tool in manipulating people. Also, it exposes her methods as being somewhat darkly oppressive and sadistic.

Anonymous said...

Lency has way too much manipulative power over her "clients" (more like victims)for them to break down and discharge so rapidly.This just demonstrates how seriously unbalanced the relationship is between participants and Lency. There is no point in dominating people for the sake of "healing", it is no longer healing when this takes place , it is all about dominance and control. Lency is on a SICK TRIP and should
be shut down for her treatment towards participants. Where is the damage control?????

yorba karen said...

Although the video has been hidden from view for the general public, it is obvious in the still shots here that hypnosis is being employed and an exercise of mind manipulation is taking place where one individual is alpha over the other.

Tom Joad said...

Oh. My. God.

Rubin Farr said...

I am the King of the Echo People

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