Thursday, October 28, 2021

NAFPS Selections: Downloading/Joining Review: "Healing the Dark Night of the Soul"

[From the New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans forum, by "Sandy S," March 03, 2015]:

Downloading/Joining Review: "Healing the Dark Night of the Soul" (23:05) posted May 10, 2013.

Text introduction:


    Lency Spezzano is a leader in the world of spiritual healers. Together with her husband, Chuck Spezzano, she co-founded the healing model of Psychology of Vision. Lency teaches healing through an opening of the heart and channeling of Heaven's grace. Here Lency is channeling an engergic [sic] "Download" of the gift of Healing the Dark Night of the Soul. Open your heart and receive the gift as well [Closed to public view, May 2015]

This particular "downloading/joining" session is a bit different than the rest. Lenora Kay Spezzano, who has claimed to be an empath in the past, starts off the show with describing the vibes she is feeling. A SALPOV trainer is selected at random to apparently channel or act as a proxy for the whole group. But, things don't go so smooth, and in the process we see how Lenora is actor, director, and stage manager. This Youtube really gives us more of a backstage view than I expect they meant to reveal.


    LKS: So we are just noticing there is a big activity going on in our brain, so something is getting corrected, some kind of healing is coming in and if we discover what it is we can put our attention on it and, [moves hands in a mixing motion] so it can be more productive.

Notice the term, "our brain." We are SALPOV. Lower your independence and surrender your wallet. We will add your monetary and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.


    LKS: So I can feel there is emotion with it. Let's just put our attention on the emotion. Whoa, it's quite a squeeze in there. So the emotion, there's tears in it. [Responds to audience] Grief? Despair? Yeah, it feels like despair. Yeah, it's like the end of the world kind of feeling. It's the end of my world. So does anybody have a storyline or an issue that's matching this that you can feel coming up? That you can focus it for us? Nobody gets any storyline? It's just utter hopeless despair. There's a feeling that my life is over. My life is ruined and I wrecked it. I destroyed myself. I destroyed my life. I ruined everything. There's guilt in there, there's grief about what you've lost in your life.

If she is indeed an empath, I suspect what she was feeling was all the regret by the participants on how they wasted thousands of dollars to be part of this bogus carnival act. But as we have demonstrated many times on this forum, the manipulation of guilt is THE key ingredient of SALPOV.

At this point Lenora stares at the audience for 15 seconds then reaches for some off-camera "cards," and declares--


    LKS: So the cards say we could get a focus person. Would you guys be willing for somebody to focus it?

I'd be curious to know what those cards were all about.

Then she reaches into a small basket filled with slips of paper, each slip apparently with the name of a participant. She pulls one out and announces a name, "Fujiko-san." My apologies for any spelling error here. I'm not familiar with this individual, but I'll call her Fujiko for now.

Fujiko takes a chair next to Lenora and is handed a microphone by someone. She immediately launches into her thing, which I am guessing is in Japanese and is translated by an offstage translator--


    F: For some reason, I am aware that I have been focusing on that feeling.

    LKS: And for how long have you been focusing on it?

    F: After the break.

That must have been some break. Did she have a moment of clarity? Like, what the Hell am I doing wasting my time, energy, money, and life on this nonsense? Did she walk outside on break time and view the Pacific Ocean lapping against the beautiful Hawaiian shore and realize that in the Big Picture SALPOV is really a small potatoes sideshow? Did she think, "Here I am on an island paradise, and I'm spending my time here cooped up in a room with Madame Cuckoo Clock?"

OK, I know this might sound crazy, but I am thinking out loud here. SALPOV is such a goofy corporation that sometimes I wonder if it is actually a front for something else, God only knows what? If that was true it would explain a lot.

Let's move on.

Lenora nods and files through the cards. Then she stops and addresses the audience--


    LKS: When I was working in the Dark Night of the Soul, this is what it felt like. I've destroyed myself, I've ruined everything. And I've lost everything important to me and I'm alienated from everyone I hold dear. And it's like the fatal mistake kind of thing. And the element with the Dark Night of the Soul is that even God, you know, you disappointed God so much that the feeling is that, for example, this lifetime is a failure. I thought this life would be a triumph but it turns out it's a failure. I just screwed up, and I'm letting God down, I'm not going to awaken, I'm not going to get out of this dream, I'm just burying myself deeper in my guilt. I've just screwed up. So you don't need to have a storyline to trigger it, it's just opened up for us to heal. And better you don't create a story.

Now this is the time to mention that the use of the term "Dark Night of the Soul" originates with the Catholic Church back in the 16th century, which would be in keeping with the training of Charles Lee Spezzano. The use of this topic here is a good example of SALPOV encouragement of mental self-flagellation.


    LKS: So let's just follow it down as you feel it, maybe you can just express the emotion that you're feeling as it opens up.

At 6:10 Lenora makes her first attempt at direct gaze contact, but it quickly breaks and at 6:20 she turns to the audience and claims--


    LKS: Wait, the intensity. You're feeling this, right, in your brain? Wow. I can hear the bones in my head creaking as they're separating.

"I can hear the bones in my head creaking as they're separating." Yes, she really says this. I guess this confirms she is indeed cracked.

At around 6:37 Lenora resumes the direct stare and asks--


    LKS: What words could you put to this?

There is no answer, but around the 6:47 zone Lenora silently points to her right eye, bares her perfect teeth, and nods "yes." She is serious about deploying her hypnosis skills now. But at 7:04 Fujiko insolently breaks the illusion and declares--


    F: I am ugly. I don't deserve to be enlightened, it's just beyond me.

The camera then inexplicably gives us a brief view of the Big Lug bestowing a shoulder massage to Canadian trainer Susan How in the mostly female audience. So what is the deal with that? We get to see this shot peppered into the drama over and over.


    F: Also I feel I am doing terrible things to each and every one in this room.

    LKS: OK, so just surrender into that. I'm horrible. I'm a horrible human being. I'm an utter failure as a human being. I just deserve punishment. Right?

And the staring renews at about 8:36 but it again fails to connect--


    LKS: And as I remember it, it felt like endless punishment like there could be no end to this feeling, it's like eternal, I'll never get out of it. It's really a Hell, right? There's no hope of getting free of it. [Turns to audience] So with the Dark Night of the Soul, when I've read about people going through it, generally it takes them years, its years of this utterly bleak, black experience. Just no fun for a very long time. But we are so lucky we have this technology, we can move through it. And because I've dealt with at least part of it, I don't know how big it is, anyway, I can share it as a download and hopefully save you from a lot of suffering.

Around 10:10 Lenora exhales in what appears to be slight exasperation and attempts once more to use the direct gaze method, but it is just not happening.


    LKS: So its utter hopelessness and helplessness, right?

More staring.


    LKS: And you're just completely unlovable. There's nothing lovable about you. There's no redeeming quality that can make up for this ugly, bleak reality.

More staring.


    LKS: The despair is so powerful that you can't even try to climb out of it. You don't even have the will to try to get yourself out of it because you know there's no way out. Right?

More staring.

Lenora then addresses the off-camera sound crew--


    LKS: If you guys can tee up the Bliss Music and keep going through it and maybe start over again if you need to.

Then she turns to the audience--


    LKS: So just feel that knot, that twist inside your brain as big as you can. Just emphasize it as much as possible.

Then the music starts, an unaccredited piece by Bliss. But Lenora stops everything and tells the sound crew


    LKS: No I mean just tee it up, be ready for it.

At 12:27 she really tries the direct gaze method again, but keeps getting no hypnotic purchase. She turns to the audience--


    LKS: Dark Night of the Soul. Where is it on the triangle?

Then she leaves her chair and goes off camera, probably to check the POV triangle which they swiped from Bob Trask,


    LKS: [voice off-camera] I find it in "Union." Original Dark Night of the Soul. But there are through Mastery elements of it that you deal with all along the way there are Dark Nights. There are Dark Nights all the way, but this one is "Union." According to me.

You got all that, right? Having you own special lingo is one of the hallmarks of a cult.

But enough stalling and playing for time. Lenora returns to her seat.


    LKS: Cut off from God, cut off from love, cut off from life. The misery of this despair is just so complete.

More staring.


    LKS: [to audience] So just give yourself to it, let go, fall into it and know that I'm giving you the download. So just feel what you need to feel but be heading toward the light, be heading toward the Miracle. You don't have to spend a long time in here. It's not the truth. It's just not the truth.

At 14:34 Lenora motions to the sound crew to start up the Bliss Music. The direct gaze method is now deployed in overdrive and the series of contorted expressions and Master Thespian acting begins. No more playing around now. Time to get serious.

Around 15:23 Lenora directs the sound crew to raise the volume, which might've worked in the live setting, but for Youtube viewers the sound degrades significantly at this point. She really needed to hire a professional director so she could concentrate on just being the talent rather than filling several roles at once. As it is the production values in these efforts come across as glorified home movies. The poor quality of the recording, camera-work, and hokey blather only helps the rest of the world to laugh at SALPOV. This is like watching an Ed Wood movie. Small wonder that the English-speaking world of SALPOV has experienced a sharp decline since these Youtubes were released.

It also interests me that in the middle of "downloading," Lenora can break character and dictate mundane directions for the sound crew, and then return to "channeling" Heaven's grace in the blink of a right eye. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

I'm guessing that around 16:44 the subject has been completely hypnotized, judging from the tremors. After hugging, the two turn and face the audience. Lenora declares, "You got it," and the crowd gathers on stage and line up for a group shot. Fujiko's shaking is hard to ignore. Franklin, a SALPOV trainer with ASK Taiwan/Hong Kong is practically in convulsions.

The scene lasts long enough that a second piece of music, "Say Goodbye" by Bliss, is played and the camera pans the Church of the Quivering Brethren. A third piece of music begins and Lenora subtly signals the sound crew to kill it. Thank God this long session has come to an end.


1 comment:

Virginia Pound said...

I recall seeing this when it was still available for viewing and laughing my ass off.

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