Friday, November 5, 2021

Three day workshop with Chuck will transcend years of individual therapy through the power of the group mind

"A three day workshop with Chuck will transcend years of individual therapy through the power of the group mind."

Keep in mind Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist.


Sandy Sparkplug said...

Last year this was presented as a 5-day workshop. Guess that format didn't get the customers they wanted:

Anonymous said...

"Group mind"? Shudder.

Anonymous said...

Canada needs to ban frauds like this from targeting FN citizens. The gig is up! Lets hope Chuck Spezzano and co. are no longer cashing in on Vancouver BC folk.

Anonymous said...

there definitely a better way and you can achieve everything the fraud psychologist chuck s. says..but..
FIRST YOU HAVE TO EXIT CHUCK SPEZZANO'S CULT CALLED PSYCHOLOGY OF VISION.. AND then seek out educated qualified professional counseling, stick with it until you have answers that are good for you..
with chuck spezzano he makes you dependant on what he thinks is good for you... stay in his group and follow his indoctrination .meaning you'll never heal because you end up programed to think you always have to return to his brainwashing workshops

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