Friday, October 22, 2021

Grand and glorious opportunity to feel more of our own Divinity in the presence of this Divine Being!

March 2016

"There is a Better Way, Chuck's Only Event in Canada This Year ... April 23-25, 2016, Vancouver" 

Chuck Spezzano's presence in Canada has greatly diminished over the last three years. Last year his Vancouver workshop started out as a 5-day event but apparently that didn't go over too well. This year it is only 3 days, but as you can see when the link is followed, it remains VERY expensive to attend. He used to hold multiple events in the course of a year in British Columbia. Now he's down to one. He only goes where the money beckons because, let's face it, POV is a for-profit corporation-- it is not a church, religion, or spiritual pursuit. If it was POV would be registered as a nonprofit.

These workshops provide residents of Haida Gwaii, or, The Rock, to visit the big city. Most of the attendees are the faithful followers of this personality cult. In light of many other documents posted  on this blog it is a legitimate question to ask who is footing the bill for the attendance of Babs Stevens since so many grant applications have been made in order to fund POV activities on Haida Gwaii? And is this considered vacation time, or workplace training time for the Band CAO?

The real draw of this Facebook page are the incredibly fawning comments by the flock. It would almost be funny if it wasn't a measure of these peoples' pain. There has to be a better way for these victims than POV. So many red flags here.

The prices reproduced here are from the link to the POV Canada website:


Anonymous said...

At this point in his career Spezzano is on automatic pilot, and so are his followers. He shows up, they give him money, he promotes his latest book which is the same as all his other books. There is nothing cutting-edge here, it is all habitual thinking on the part of Master and Followers. This is a money machine.

Year of the Cat said...

Describing Chuck Spezzano as an "avatar" is curious. Spezzano himself used that term to describe Amma and Bhagavan, who have since been soundly denounced by Lency and Christopher Spezzano:

Spezzano had better hope his own followers don't follow his example of fickleness if he still wants to make a fast buck.

Anonymous said...

"Divine being"? "Avatar and Master of Love"? "Spiritual teacher and practical mystic"?

Please explain to me how POV is not a personality cult?

Data said...

Don't forget "Guru." That's another descriptor of note.

Data said...

"Chuck's workshops are for those in a healing profession ...?"

Seriously? Wouldn't he have to be a professional himself first? He's a long way from being that.

Ergo Jones said...

The POV Canada Facebook page ceased to exist a couple months ago

xraymond said...

So far this year no Spezzano events for Canada have been announced. In fact, there have been no POV events listed on the POV Canada webpage at all in 2017 so far. The POV Canada webpage lists only three trainers, although there is conflicting information concerning whether one of them, Francine Girard, is actually still a trainer or not.

Tom Dobbs said...

Psychology of Vision is a dying enterprise. Spezzano has seemingly written off Canada (and the UK) since there is not enough interest there to generate any profit and as a for-profit corporation Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision has no incentive to visit the Great White North. Also, Canadian government types have started to become wise to what a huge scam the whole POV thing really is.

In terms of ripoff con-jobs, POV is still pretty small-time. But it is still big enough to keep the Spezzanos living in a lifestyle of affluence that provides them with a sense of entitlement and superiority so they can lord it over those who they view as their cultural, spiritual, and economic inferiors.

POV is filled with so much negative energy. It only exists as a way to enrich Chuck and Lency Spezzano. Don;t bother wasting your precious time and resources on this scam.

Peter Bergmann said...

Unfortunately POV is attempting a comeback in Canada. But this time they are not able to operate as easily under the radar as they have in the past.

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