Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Comprehensive community planning : learning from practice with the Haida Village of Skidegate

Comprehensive community planning : learning from practice with the Haida Village of Skidegate / by Krystie Babalos and Jessica Williams. A project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Planning) and Master of Arts (Planning). University of British Columbia, 2013.

Two UBC students teamed up to write this dissertation and it produced an unintended result that would be well worth a follow up thesis. It appears this is the world of planning in Skidegate as seen through the eyes of Babs Stevens, who acted as the main administrative tour guide for the students.

Babs, as regular readers of this blog know, is pretty much a lobbyist for the for-profit corporation known as Psychology of Vision and is under the supervision of the Spezzanos. Now remember, POV is not a church, it is not a religion, it is a for-profit enterprise run by two Americans. The defense that this is a religious belief does not hold water.  And, as always, we are talking about behavior, not belief.

As the chart below demonstrates, the job of Chief Administrative Officer, which Babs has held for decades, is in a powerful place. We have documented on this blog how Babs has used this bottleneck position to further the agenda of Psychology of Vision as well as the drug-soaked cult of Erick Gonzalez. This chart demonstrates there are not a lot of checks and balances in this system. The potential for abuse of power in this scenario is enormous.

A "Certified psychology of vision trainer" shows up on one of these following charts as a "community asset" and the Ngystle Society is mentioned a few times in a positive light. The latter has been covered by Psiram:

I would put forward the idea that Psychology of Vision be included in the "Negative impacts of contact," as well as Gonzalez (who could also be included as a subset in the "Drugs and Alcohol" box). Note also the placement of Ngystle.

A resident of Skidegate brought this document to my attention. Here are some of the accompanying comments, edited with only slight corrections and added URLs. I'll sign off and let someone closer to the situation conclude this post:

Does the creator of this project ,Krystie Babalos and Jessica Williams, know about the Haida Health Hub feedback Questionnaire results?

I don't see any reference to it anywhere, this was a lengthy community in-depth study of what the Skidegate community had in mind for health, and it was notably quashed from public when many concerns of how "Ngystle" society and POV psychology of vision advanced trainer and CEO Babs Stevens of Skidegate exploited funding for high demand cult activities, which by the way are thoroughly documented for view on NEW AGE FRAUDS and PLASTIC SHAMANS under frauds (Chuck Spezzano).

Barbara Stevens has superseded the concerns of Haida citizens of the Skidegate Band in order to continue her investments and plans with continuing to conduct Psychology of Vision and continue relationships with perpetrators (Chuck Spezzano) POV Leader and (Erick Gonzalez) fraudulent "medicine" man who drugged participants with lethal doses of amanita brew and potent hallucinogenics of which she participated in many times.

Professional advocates such as chief of staff of our island hospitals and RCMP have given public warnings to our island residents of the high risk of being involved with these treatments. Public documentation with APTN INVESTIGATES AND CBC, OBSERVER NEWSPAPER, AND NAFPS is established.

Babs continues to push her own agendas for "healing". When Gwaii Trust was updated about Healthy Humans giving thousands of dollars to these "healing intensives and workshops",  Gwaii Trust discontinued Healthy Humans in 2010/2011 because of legal liability factor of funding harmful activities as mentioned.

Aboriginal Healing Foundation gave Ngystle Society $475,000. approx. to fund POV/Gonzalez activities. They too were unaware of what they funded when consulted about these activities. They responded by saying they assumed that Ngystle was following the guidelines but were not informed about their activities.

Barbara Stevens has blocked birthright Skidegate members from Skidegate Band Facebook for speaking up, but lets Chuck Spezzano, a noted fraudulent impostor of psychology be a member (a non native from the USA). She publicly accuses people of being evil if they don't agree with her.

[from a different email...]

To deliberately hijack and manipulate a researcher is disdainful and corrupt. These students were scooped up and used as slaves to document and report what Babs has deemed “her village, her money”.

No one has any breathing room in this report, Psiram Ngystle has thoroughly reported on the damage around misappropriating RSS funds to be indoctrinated with “new age fantasy existence”.

The values graph pg 91 showing ngystle as healing is a dirty insert to keep ngystle involved . Haidas using their own language already to misrepresent it’s original meaning (which was healing) but this name was used and abused and has bad connotations now in the community, seeing it posted on everything in this document is too obvious of it being pushed thru as embraced here.

I would like students and researchers to know that this dynamic of having babs dictate and oversee this CCP is a hazard to the members of Skidegate and serious consideration should be taken to avoid documenting life changing documents over a group of people. I find this research to be far too sensitive and now you can bet it was used to solidify the privatization of Skidegate Health center, as I see that the very same language that is reported : ask first, etc. Is what was printed on their annual 2015 Oct health fair flyers. So basically these students and their highly skilled organizational methods were put to good use and looks like 2 non natives outlined the future of Skidegate.

Whose town is this?

Should students be involved in these type of scenarios? Maybe UBC should just make Skidegate a dept of their “test the waters” for newborn researchers to experiment with and study again the results and then try again to see what works according to everything they have analysed here.

In the beginning it was higher education students helping in the research of plants, outdoor stuff, now it’s expanded into every part of the Skidegate members life.

Why is such a detailed paper of Skidegate available for casual reading?, like the citizens here are just for examination. I personally feel that the privacy rights of the members of skidegate have been violated with this paper, and studies like these are offensive due to exposure .

I have never seen in the last 7 years in Skidegate any process asking members if their community could have their lives analysed for a ccp for public viewing.

What happen to sensitivity around respecting FN people in the home place? It feels like every one here is a child under the warden ceo babs.

I talked to one citizen yesterday who said she felt that skidegate was in lockdown under ceo and nothing can be done due to the strategic placement into leadership roles that are binded to pov 100 day grads and power monger Tsaalth clan members. No one has a voice, and some of us has been missile targets for having one.

This has created a very obvious division with each community effort that becomes a power spot to control.

Wow, goodbye to the old ones  and goodbye to the new ones, we are officially a ghost village with this CCP.

Babs has arrived and fully succeeded at colonizing herself as an usurper of Skidegate. Someone should give her a white man’s badge from the missionary archival treasure chest, I’m sure some cultural collection in the Museum of Man in Ottawa that displays the destruction of the aboriginal peoples’ would still have a silvery or brass pin worn by noted head administrator of RS of Canada.

I just read a book last night called: Shamans and Religion by alice beck kehoe


“Learning to search out information and evaluate them against their social and historical context can break down stereotypes so taken for granted even scholars unthinkingly perpetuate them. The deafening silence over embedded racism decried by Dr. Moses can be dynamited by critical thinking.” 

This is also a focus for me, seeing this misappropriation based on what has become here a new age indigenous disaster that has silenced the people and their spirit in Skidegate.


Chuck Spits-On-You said...

All part of the Psychology of Vision colonization plan for profit as outlined in Section K of the German language version of the Trainers Manual. I believe this can be classified under Affinity Fraud in Canada:

Anonymous said...

reading this ,to me just shows how driven babs stevens is to "step up to have it all" ,pov is a proven harmful cult, how can a certified Pov trainer be an asset for anywhere,
all i see is babs trying to set it up so she has the final say in the health center, and trying to set herself and the cult outpost ngystle society for spezzano & ngystle society to be in line for accessing money through skidegates healt center.
all babs is doing is following the money, for herself and her cult, business as usual for her,trying her best to get what she wants,
the first nations authority should challenge this document because there are programs put in by babs stevens that will exploit patients into thinking they need to keep going back to Pov false healing methods that are designed to exploit and recruit
babs and her make believe healing group should be banned, because spezzano set up his "patients" to be programmed so they believe they need to take more bogus Pov healing, meaning they're not only exploited but are more than likely vulnerable people looking for real qualified help that babs stevens and chuck spezzano are not, frauds create frauds,
babs stevens and her cult should be stopped asap before they get their feet more firmly planted in skidegate by her taking over the skidegate bands health center,
first nations should not allow this to go through

Anonymous said...

If Certified Psychology of Vision Trainer is a community assest to Skidegate reserve , Babara Stevens needs to be able to articulate what the perimeters of that is?

What is her Plan?
How much funding will it take to fulfill her plan?
What are the goals of a POV trainer?
Who is involved in this community assest?
Who is in partnership with this POV Trainer?
How many people does this POV trainer expect to train?
If this is a certified trainer, where is this certification recognized as a valid healing model ?
What is the contractual agreement that a POV Trainer have with it's mother ship head Chuck and Lency Spezzano?
Does having a certified POV Trainer as a community assest mean that Chuck and Lency and other POV Trainers have full access to the community of Skidegate?
If so, are the people of Skidegate expected to host POV Workshops with POV Facilitators Chuck and Lency Spezzano?
How is being a pov trainer an asset when it is determined by researchers to be a high demand group (cult) and exploiting RSS funding for healing?
POV does not adhere to healing code of ethics, how does subjecting Skidegate members against their will to this forced experimental method an assest to the community?
What is the terms of redress and liability for this community asset of a "certified Psychology of Vision Trainer"
Does assest of Skidegate mean assest to international POV Trainers to use and teach and circulate trainers thru? How much community funding from Skidegate members assests funding will be displaced from proper healing funds for Ngystle/POV Trainer?
Projected amount should be available for all Skidegate community members to see , so that they are fully aware of every cent that is supporting this questionable asset.

Anonymous said...

Anyone presenting a public role in a community plan is fully expected to fully report to the community every aspect of their service, just like any other service must be accountable and transparent for their activities.
In what capacity is this POV trainer accountable for? Since there has never been presented as a asset before to a first nations community, is Skidegate going to set limitations and guidelines for this new age business?
Will there be a probationary period of whether or not this type of asset even fits the expectation of the community?
Will Skidegate membership be able to decide if this is a waste of funding and be able to relocate this funding to something more valuable and compatible with the community like using this money for elders and youth,and supporting the most valuable community activity like basketball teams.

Is this POV trainer planning on having community links with other communities that are experimental like the one Ngystle supported in Deer Mountain doing drug retreats with Erick Gonzalez and his wife Heddi?
Will the POV Trainer be monitored to safety checks in bringing in other POV participants into the community of Skidegate? Will there be criminal checks with RCMP ? Will there be VS Checks ? (Vulnerability sector checks?)
This POV trainer has given access to high risk controversial "healers" who have brought potent psycho active drugs to Skidegate with many harmful results. This POV trainer Barbara Stevens has witnessed Overdoses and failed to report them to local hospital.
How can Skidegate trust someone who does not act or care for victims of questionable treatments?
Is it worth it for Skidegate to be at risk with POV Trainer as an asset?
Does Skidegate membership realize that POV Psychology of vision is an ACIM a course in miracles , a verified cult?
If Haida culture is priority in Skidegate then why allow an organized cult to commit misappropriations and displacement of it's valued ways?
Is it fair to subject a small community of 800+ members of a tribal band to "new age therapy" that has a track record of falsifying it's leader as a psychologist?
Should a tribal band be able to protect it's membership from an American business aimed at profiting from vulnerable people?
These are just a few of the obvious and common sense questions anyone involved would be expected to ask.

Anonymous said...

Members of Skidegate band are in a far more profitable position to press charges and sue POV team and leaders for targetting vulnerable Residential School Survivors healings funds and messing with their minds , claiming a cultural renaissance for tribal people. Sue for damages for misleading vulnerable people by recruiting them into 100 day investments and making them dependent on a "leader".
Targetting a select group for profit is not healing.
How much did Skidegate members lose to this scam?
Money that was displaced from other social services ?
It's time for Skidegate to take back their village and stop leaking valuable funds into schemes like POV and drug soaked cults.RSS are valuable members who deserve to be treated better than "an experiment".

Anonymous said...

i would like the see the value of dollar to the actual residential school survivors that received actual qualified help. ant those that got so called "help" from this groups called ngystle society,
here is an evaluation and critique of ngystle society done by Psiram, of course all the indoctrinated Pov people will think they're under attack all from people just for asking for accountability and honesty which every cult hates and blame the messenger for

i would bet there were very few rss's getting real help from ngystle society, i would bet that very few rss's got true healing and the ngystle society outpost for chucky got the rest for themselves

Gentle Wave said...

I understand Babs deems all of her critics as "evil." My, how "enlightened" POV has made her. I think her cult activity has warped her brain. In the United States she would be a perfect Trump Republican.

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