Sunday, January 17, 2016

Why? / by Chuck Spezzano

You ask why this is happening that you can't seem to make progress. You might ask yourself what purpose that serves for you. We are purposeful creatures. Everything serves a purpose for us. So, what is the payoff for you by having things be this way. Your intuition will let you guess the answers if you want them more than you are afraid to have them.

Here are some key dynamics that are a part of every problem in the form of questions.

By having this problem who am I trying to defeat? The answer will always include yourself but that is just the beginning.

    What are you attacking yourself for?
    What guilt are you trying to pay off?
    What are you afraid would happen if you succeeded?
    What next step do you feel inadequate to address?
    Who are you getting revenge on?
    Who are you trying to control and about what?
    What do you get to be right about by having this problem?
    What loss did you never get over?
    What needs are you trying to get met by this problem and from whom?
    Who are you attacking by having this problem?
    What do you get to prove by having this problem?
    Who are you blaming for having this problem (beside yourself, of course, as there can be no problem without a grievance)?
    How does this problem make you special (it's all about me!)?
    What excuse does this problem give me?
    What does this problem let me hide from?
    What does this problem allow me to hold onto?
    What am I really using this attachment for?

Further,all pain and problems are from the past. They refer to old roots and patterns that go back to childhood and sometimes before...

Every problem is a place we are framing someone because at a crucial crossroads we chose the ego path for some kind of payoff . See above questions. It was a place we refused one our soul gifts about to emerge, one of Heaven's gifts as well as an aspect of our purpose and destiny. To have received the gifts and embraced our purpose and destiny would have obviated the whole problem. The person who is the bad guy in our problem is the person that at a soul level we promised to help. Instead we used them and the original incident as our best excuse to not show up and keep our sacred promise.

When we are in misery or devastation, it hides a Tantrum. A tantrum hides a  'Shtick' that we use to punish ourselves and others, but are both blind to our behavior and feel righteously justified because of the pain we are in. This in turn hides a level of Recalcitrance, Incorrigibility and Bad Attitude that we typically have deeply compensated for  (act in the opposite way generally, at least in our own mind). This in turn hides a deep authority with a significant other that we want to defeat at all costs .

At a deeper level this fight is with God. We are framing Him (my problem shows he is a bad God, so I should be God) so we can then do whatever we want. At the deepest levels of the unconscious we have this going on. It's nasty stuff, which is why we keep it in the unconscious mind. Every problem shows a mistake we made that can be corrected now.

There are many healing methods but the main one is to realize what we've been doing and head for the truth. Currently, I have been using the new Hawaiian Ho'oponopono method. Which is to say to God "I love You. I'm sorry. Please forgive. Thank you" ( Sorry I used this to stay separate. Sorry I used this to miscreate. Sorry I used this to blame you).

When there are no bad guys, you will be innocent and everyone will be free. When you are innocent you will see no bad guys or use anyone as your excuse and all problems will disappear.

Chuck Spezzano in answer to a question on Facebook
Oahu, May 2010


Anonymous said...

Life is a mystery and that poses some problems for people who cannot deal with ambiguity. For such people, there will always be confidence tricksters like Chuck Spezzano willing to take advantage of your sincere seeking and fleece you of whatever you are willing to surrender. He will provide an answer to your questions, no matter how bogus his response might be. Just as long as you pay. Through the nose. He is not a psychologist. He is a fraud.

Also note that the above post was deleted by the Spezzanos. Why?

Roy Waller said...

"Currently, I have been using the new Hawaiian Ho'oponopono method."

Spezzano, ever the fad follower and cultural thief.

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