Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist -- "Even Chuck himself says that his Psychology is a hoax"
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Monday, January 11, 2016
Truth Needs No Defense
From Facebook:
The Fastest Way to Reach the Shore
Giving the label of "haters" to any criticism is a Donald Trump/Sarah Palin tactic and equal to plugging your ears and denying the facts. Lency's "Truth" website is full of fallacies and needs to be critically examined since she is selling a consumer product that has proven to be toxic and not what she represents. Do your homework on POV, please.
I'm sure it must be embarrassing and sort of humiliating to have been hoodwinked by expert grifters like the Spezzanos. I do not blame the POV cult followers for, to use a tired expression, "doubling down" in denial when reality walks into the room. The same behavior is indeed exhibited by followers of Donald Trump.
If what the Spezzanos were merchandising was honest, open, and true, it indeed would need no defense. But they have been rather dishonest in their marketing and statements.
POV hates being laughed at, which is unfortunate for them since the whole premise of their cult is quite absurd. However, for anyone with a sense of justice, the ridicule they invite eventually turns to dismay when you realize how much damage they cause and how dishonest they are in their marketing and with their clients. Those who have invested in POV should be considered victims.
Giving the label of "haters" to any criticism is a Donald Trump/Sarah Palin tactic and equal to plugging your ears and denying the facts. Lency's "Truth" website is full of fallacies and needs to be critically examined since she is selling a consumer product that has proven to be toxic and not what she represents. Do your homework on POV, please.
I'm sure it must be embarrassing and sort of humiliating to have been hoodwinked by expert grifters like the Spezzanos. I do not blame the POV cult followers for, to use a tired expression, "doubling down" in denial when reality walks into the room. The same behavior is indeed exhibited by followers of Donald Trump.
If what the Spezzanos were merchandising was honest, open, and true, it indeed would need no defense. But they have been rather dishonest in their marketing and statements.
POV hates being laughed at, which is unfortunate for them since the whole premise of their cult is quite absurd. However, for anyone with a sense of justice, the ridicule they invite eventually turns to dismay when you realize how much damage they cause and how dishonest they are in their marketing and with their clients. Those who have invested in POV should be considered victims.
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