Monday, March 30, 2020

PoV DACH and Django Hediger Advertise Chuck Spezzano Having a Fake Degree

Jan. 2016

The following brochure compiled by Spezzano promoter Django Hediger's outfit at [Update Oct. 12, 2019: "This site is currently undergoing maintenance." -- This has happened just in the last week.] was found in the Psychology of Vision website for Central Europe (

Chuck Spezzano does not have a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. He is not allowed to call himself a psychologist in the United States. This fake Ph.D. is being marketed by his own people and close associates who should know better. What is going on here? 


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

when this was brought to the spezzano's attention, they said they have no control of what his devotees say about him, what a crock ,he obviously loves being called a real licensed psychologist or he would've asked them not to, he's in contact with them everyday with his bullshit generated card readings of the day, i believe these three card monty card readings of the day is put into his minions brains to keep them locked into the narrow brain though ov following Pov ,chuck is full of b.s. he can ask everyone of them to stop lying about him, it's too bad that of all the mental things he did to his minions, on top of all of it, they all became liars , what a shameful way to end up ,in spezzano's indoctrination where the end results justify any means to keep his minions devoted to his business that is more about keeping them locked in and paying more money, over and over again , all for the same "workshops" with a different name for the exact same thing as the last "workshop: they HAD TO ATTEND because that's how they're programmed by chucks indoctrination, they have to listen as instructed or else you end up shunned , slandered, publicly shamed and threatened for "going against me, as quoted by a first nations "advanced trainer" ,you're not allowed to have your own mind ,or else

The Rev. Hoosnackle Bentwhistle said...

After awhile these lies become reality, creating a form of mental illness. To return to good mental health may I suggest it is time for Spezzano, Hediger, and POV DACH to walk their talk and take the Spezzano/Ticehurst Truth Exercise?

Truth Exercise

Relax and take a deep breath. Clear your mind. Allow yourself to realize that it’s time to commit to the truth, and specifically to the truth of having good health in your life.

Ask that the truth about your life and the untruth about your illness be revealed to you. When your desire for the truth becomes greater than your fear and attachments, the truth will reveal itself to you and liberate you.

Invoke the truth when there is anything other than excellent health in your life. Desire the truth as an easy way through any problem.

From 'Healing the Body Through Mind and Metaphor'
© Chuck Spezzano and Janie Ticehurst 2005

Anonymous said...

The other question should be why do the authorities in Germany allow this fakery to continue for so many years? This is clearly false advertising. In academics this kind of resume padding is grounds for removal, but in POV it is commercially rewarded.

Lorenzo St. DuBois said...

POV is a corporation that professes that the fight between good/evil, right/wrong is a "Great War" that wastes our energies and that nothing is real according to quantum flapdoodle. So I am sure POV is not concerned with your petty little observations. They are Enlightened and you are not. You and your trivial thoughts about the legality of spreading lies in marketing concerning their leader, God's messenger, means you are simply a hater and fear their love power.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Lies can be put on just one blog, and they get shared and re-shared by people looking for material for their own blogs, which then gets shared again and again and again, running up the number of “hits” of viewers. They all feed off of each other for new content to stay competitive."--Lency Spezzano

Year of the Cat said...

That "lies" quote from Lency (above) comes from a website managed by Django Hediger entitled "The Truth About Chuck and Lency Spezzano and the Psychology of Vision." I'm sure the irony of the quote, and of the title of that website, is lost on the true believers.

Year of the Cat said...

"I am just a poor boy.
Though my story's seldom told,
I have squandered my resistance
For a pocketful of mumbles,
Such are promises
All lies and jest
Still, a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest."

Also, since many POV connected people have their own spinoff for-profit New Age business enterprises, it is in their financial interest to pump up Spezzano's credentials even if it means lying.

insider said...

No one really cares about the fact Spezzano is far from qualified to be posing as a "psychologist."

In the world of New Age charlatans and grifters, the Spezzano operation is small time. A tiny carnival act. So he can fly under the radar and allow lies and misleading information to be marketed as long as the money rolls in. And who will stop him? Not the government-- Hawaii gave him a mere slap on the wrist for pretending to be a psychologist. Not the media-- except for APTN, most other journalists have given Spezzano fluff coverage and repeat the lie he is a "psychologist." Not the community of skeptics-- Spezzano is too much of a non-entity and there is no fame in exposing the Psychology of Vision scam. Spezzano's too trivial to deal with since there are thousands of other crooks just like him out there looking for vulnerable people with extra cash. Spezzano is merely a pixel in the big picture of flim-flam hucksters.

He has cultivated a base of unquestioning supplicants who are willing to surrender their self-respect and wallets but that makes him no different than the thousands of other scam artists out there in the world of New Age marketing who thrive on personality cults. As long as there are idiots willing to submit themselves to a cashectomy, there will be a huge fake like Chuck Spezzano more than willing to perform this task.

It is apparent his book-tour circuits through Asia and Europe are mostly attended by the already converted. Psychology of Vision is dying in the English-speaking world.

Chuck Spezzano has left a toxic legacy.

Hamlet said...

It is as easy as lying. Govern these ventages with your fingers and thumb, give it breath with your mouth, and it will discourse most eloquent music. Look you, these are the stops.

Anonymous said...

Django was the same guy who attempted to steal the music of Uniform Motion for Chuck promo video. I don't think he's really going to care if his Spezzano promotions contain lies. Apparently Spezzano himself doesn't care either. It is easily within Chuck's power to put this to a stop, but why should he if there are no legal consequences and the money rolls in from people who don't take the time to investigate this fraud ahead of time? When a lie is more profitable than the truth, POV will pick the lie every time.

Anonymous said...

Django and Chuck are partners in spreading false advertising and both of them need to be criminally prosecuted for victimizing gullible and vulnerable people. Neither one of them can offer any credible excuse for these falsehoods at this point.

Blanche Payson said...

POV is full of liars who feel the ends justify the means, the means being making lots of money. So what else is new?

Virgil Hilts said...

Hediger handed over the website to Uwe Wiest earlier this year, but the false information regarding Spezzano's Ph.D. remains. Some lies are just hard to erase-- especially when there is financial profit involved.

Anonymous said...

Django Hediger is responsible for spreading a lot of just plain lies about Chuck Spezzano. Then he just gave up and walked away without making any effort to correct or apologize for enabling a couple of American frauds. Django's stink remains in the air like a deadly fart.

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