Saturday, January 16, 2016

Our Links - Psychology of Vision UK

Nearly all of these lead to an enterprise run by a former or current Psychology of Vision UK trainer:
[Substitute link]


Radical Priest said...

Creating a chart of the Psychology of Vision subsidiaries, spinoffs, partners, failed incorporations, and enablers of this enormous scam would require someone with great research skills and a lot of time. But even with the limited information we have, it is obvious it all boils down to one thing: Money. And this group will delete, censor, and bully their way to protect that interest.

Anyone with an ounce of decency and sincerity who is seeking a spiritual alternative to the mainstream way of perception needs to avoid this toxic group of hustlers and liars.

Joe Gunn said...

This is just "friends helping friends" aka the commercial New Age version of the Good Ol' Boy Network.

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