Sunday, January 17, 2016

Based on the Methods of the Psychology of Vision

Steps to Conscious Business / Paribhasha Steitz, Nirvana Verena Moser, 2015
[Update Mar. 8, 2020: Dead link]


Jerry Landers said...

Since they basically possess no business ethics at all, using Spezzano and Associates Ltd. Psychology of Vision as a role model for how to run a corporate organization is like having Chuck Spezzano pose for a poster on how to stay physically fit. They have no accountability or transparency and flee at the first sign of accepting responsibility for anything that is other than reflecting glory upon their presence.

Strider said...

Steps to Conscious Business is merely a front group and recruiting point for the Psychology of Vision cult. In turn, this cult exists solely to enrich Chuck and Lency Spezzano.

roger said...

If this is based on POV, does that mean a portion of the profits go to the Spezzanos?

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