Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Astral is an opening to other planes through which the demonic and at times the malevolent ET's come from

"CLOSING THE OPENING TO THE ASTRAL: CLOSING THE OPENING TO THE ASTRAL is the card for today. The astral is an opening to other planes through which the demonic and at times the malevolent ET's come from. From our indulgences both physical and emotional, through attack and self attack tears and rents are made in our aura and this dark element representing the ancient ego that turned away from the light comes through us to attack us and others. Today let us invite in our Friends in High Places and other spiritual help to free us of this influence and plaster our auras with luminous Love. Have a beautiful day!!" -- January 3, 2016

[Update: Interesting discussion on this same Spezzano Card of the Day topic over at Cult Education Forum]--



Blow the Whistle said...

Chuck is straight up blatantly trying to freak us out here, so we will run to him and give him money.
Chuck is using scare tactics. He wants us to be vulnerable and frightened.

Anonymous said...

When you think about it, there is quite a bit of similarity between Donald Trump and Chuck Spezzano. Two egotistical blowhards about the same age who peddle fear among a customer base of uncritical minds. Both of them want to keep out "dark elements" by closing borders, closing openings, building walls.

Chuck's whole "ET" thing is an extra bizarre garnish, even for him.

If Chuck actually believes this nonsense, that really undercuts the "professional" and "expert" image he is attempting to cultivate in Europe, even with the all the false advertising of him being a "psychologist" with a supposed "Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology." But if he doesn't believe this claptrap, then he is just being a cynical demagogue and con artist. I suspect the latter is more true than the former.

"When somebody says it’s not about the money, it’s about the money."--H.L. Mencken

Anonymous said...

Sure, Spezzano might act like Trump, but his writing and speaking style is closer to Sarah Palin's in terms of coherence. The above babble is simply regurgitated POV buzzwords designed to keep the followers off balance and wary of outsiders-- that way even a simple pointed question can be called an "astral attack." It gathers the frightened children (and their checkbooks) closer the surrogate parents of this artificial family while Spezzano never has to be held accountable or answer for his actions.

Anonymous said...

Spezzano's astral attack card is the reboot formula for the POV Psychosis he created and instilled in his participants and membership to build a fire wall against any critical thinking.
Spezzano controls his POV trainers , grads and particpants by coining any contrary thoughts or feedback or information that questions and criticizes Psychology O Vision is EVIL .
People involved in POV are not allowed to have critical thinking, their not allowed to ask if Chuck is a real psychologist.
Former members who discovered Chuck is a fraud and try to publicly educate are sent gag orders from Chuck's lawyers to silence themselves.
This has gone on too long, POV membership and participants are under mind control, Chuck is nothing but the evil attack himself. Government officials need to break this fire wall down and stop him from furthering his Pyramid Money scheme.

Ted Cruz said...

If Chuck is Trump, then Lency is surely Sarah Palin. They both are equally residents of La-La Land.

Frank said...

I read this as Spezzano still trying to come to grips with leaving the Catholic Church. He appears to be struggling with own guilt and has built an entire corporation around this conflict.

Back at the Ritz said...

The thing is this: It isn't a problem that Spezzano cranks out stupid shit like this, but that he has managed to rope in a small group of fragile and damaged people who are willing to pay big bucks in order to be subjected to this nonsense. This man has no special credentials or professional standing, no matter how much he tries to inflate himself. This is fraud and he has gotten away with it for years.

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