Tuesday, October 19, 2021

As a trainer with the Psychology of Vision I am coached and supervised by Chuck and Lency Spezzano

"Good reasons to join Chuck & Lency's workshops 8-17 July in Oxfordshire, 2013"



Anonymous said...

Fast track healing continues to be the sales pitch for Chuck's new age scam. Anyone indoctrinated by his treatment will readily agree with this and promote him as such because they are already brainwashed by him to believe so.
These poor trainers are so far gone they don't even realize that being trained by POV is a high risk adventure considering it is not recognized by any psychological association and not hitting the radar anywhere as an education or training.
It doesn't qualify you for anything but a POV pusher, nothing more and nothing less. How embarrassing when they realize that they are being used to recruit for Spezzanos. The more public education about this high demand group and it's manipulative strategies for growth and wealth the better it will be for women like Julie whom is obviously become a lost soul.
How unfortunate for the women who believe that serving chuck and his wife would be a actual purpose in life.
Why would anyone let these people determine your purpose and destiny.This should be a goal determined with your own people who you are intimate with as they know who you are. The danger of letting pov form your future is that they are hijacking your future while they make you believe you are choosing the way.
It is a big waste of time and resources, never mind the diversion from reality that needs to be restored.
Trainers are doomed , they are so deeply entrenched in pov that they will be the hardest to help in exiting this cult. They have given up their own critical thinking for chuck's. Older women can have challenges in their health, often they are care givers going thru change of life that can make added pressures in coping. Aging is not easy especially if you get caught in these groups that tap you dry . No one can help you if you lose your mind . Restoring your health and mind from these intense indoctrinations take years to remove from your psyche. To restore yourself to your natural ways, where you are not self analyzing your ego to death!
If you are a trainer and read this, I highly recommend that you seek immediate help from an exit counselor and start rebuilding your life according to yourself, not chuck or lency!

Karl Groucho Marx said...

Lency Spezzano would have us believe Psychology of Vision is a level corporation but Julie's statement reveals there is a definite hierarchy within POV (although that is pretty obvious anyway from reading the POV Trainers Manual)

Kitchen Sink said...

Once you become invested in this toxic group, you can serve Psychology of Vision, or, you can have a life. You can't have both.

Two Hearts said...

"Gold and silver burns my autumns
All too soon they'd fade and die
And then I'd know, there'd be no others
Milk and honey were their lies"

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