Monday, November 1, 2021

Psychology of Vision, it turns out, is run by perfectly normal psychologists and is not a cult

This Dec. 3, 2002 piece in the Irish Times about Marie Murphy Douglas includes the following passage:

She started searching for help and came across a programme called "Psychology of Vision". She wondered if they were "weirdos" or a "cult", but liked their message, which was "Say yes to life!". Psychology of Vision, it turns out, is run by perfectly normal psychologists and is not a cult, much to Marie's relief.

It should be noted neither one of the Spezzanos are psychologists, nor are any of the Irish or UK trainers, past and present.


Anonymous said...

As it turned out, Psychology of Vision is indeed a cult run by weirdos. Also, there are no real psychologists in POV.

Anonymous said...

i would like to see her testimony backed up by licensed psychologists, her statement is basically meaningfulness,
we need to hear and read what the licensing board of registered psychologists have to say about chuck spezzanos' for profit fake psychologist business , if he is indeed what he claims to be, like this one example of many false claims... world leader in cutting edge psychology , and this one where he claims to do 10 years of "healing" in one of his 3 day "workshops". there is enough di=ocumented evidence to prove and show this is a group of charlatans, same go for his "advanced trainers" ,especially the first nations "trainers" a fake makes other fakes , and in this case ,just like in all other cults, they created clones out of people that so badly want to be just like his wife Lency, they "participants" will do almost anything to please her to get browny points and rise higher up in their hierarchy, all to pay them more money to show their "commitment and dedication" this all adds up to belonging to a cult , just to please their leaders and give them more money, this has absolutely nothing to do with healing, if it did then you would think real licensed psychologists would be picking up on chucks "teachings" . i wonder why he's allowed to dupe vulnerable people and not charged with criminal acts , like affinity fraud is aone that stands out and duping people with his outright lies and claims about his harmful group?? i don't understand how and why this man is still allowed to do this to people and especially target first nations people and their oney meant for real accredited healing by real professionals in the healing field, they all are way past due to be held accountable, especially the first nations people in council, health or management positions that take advantage of their positions to take money and spend it on this fake psychologist group

Joe Gunn said...

Psychology of Vision, it turns out, is run by people who are not psychologists at all and it is a classic example of a personality cult by any measure. Please investigate what you are getting into before hopping aboard. POV is a toxic scam designed to suck out as much of your bank account as they can. They are vampires and con artists. For you seekers who believe in the power of love and positive energy, please avoid POV. It is a black hole and a trap designed to exploit your good intentions.

Kostoyed Amoursky said...

It has been quite a few years since POV had any trainers in Ireland. As of now, they only have one trainer remaining the UK.

Did the Spezzanos actually ever hold any events in Ireland?

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