Sunday, October 31, 2021

POV Website calls Chuck Spezzano One of the World's Leading "Psychologists"

The POV Events website, administered by POV trainer Avril Woodward and designed by Pam Carruthers, existed well over two years from 2012 to late 2014. This website was used to promote both Spezzanos events in the UK.

Spezzano was advertised as: "CHUCK SPEZZANO is one of the world’s leading psychologists and experts on relationships and personal growth therapy" during the entire lifetime of the website, it seems. Needless to say, Chuck Spezzano is not a psychologist.

The event prices from the same website are included here as well:


Anonymous said...

Lency Spezzano claimed "We don’t edit the promotional material that PoV promoters and Trainers around the world create, as it is primarily in foreign languages. If some have been calling Chuck a psychologist instead of saying that he holds a Ph.D. in psychology, I’m sure it has been brought to their attention now." Yet when it came time to delete all mention of POV's past admiration of Oneness University, the act was done globally on all POV websites with great precision and vigor. The Spezzanos have financially gained from the lie that Chuck is a psychologist. They have no motive for putting any energy into correcting this. And where did all these people get this mythical idea in the first place? We even see it repeated by close Spezzano associates. Is there any proof of one single example of "Chuck the Psychologist" being corrected?

Phil Silvers said...

According to the POV Trainers Manual, Avril would have been evaluated several times a year by her masters. So the responsibility for this utterly fake claim rests entirely on the Spezzanos. They had plenty of opportunities to tell her to cut out the psychologist reference. Just as they do with the hundreds of others out there who repeat Chuck Spezzano's false credentials. Oh, but wait, the profit margin might be impacted!

Even Saint Germain is yelling, "Do you get it yet?"

Bad management or deliberate fakery? Either way does not reflect well on the business ethics of the Spezzanos.

Whiter Shade of Pale said...

Spreading a lie like Chuck Spezzano was actually a "psychologist" seems perfectly fitting with the POV ethic. Even now marketers like Django Hediger claims Chuck has a non-existent academic degree in "clinical psychology." Of course such people have a commercial stake in falsely inflating the credentials of their product. Django apparently has no qualms about lying if it can increase his bank account.

Why has the State of Hawaii sat on their hands and let Spezzano get away with this lie? The more I read about how many lies have been spread by POV the less impressed I am by Hawaiian consumer protection. In my state Spezzano would be in jail by now.

Swiss Miss said...

This claim, on a POV website, should alone haul Spezzano back into a Hawaiian court for allowing himself to be called a "psychologist," let alone "one of the world's leading psychologists." The Spezzanos had the power to correct this lie from Day One, but let it sit for a few years. They are totally accomplices in this enormous lie.

Quince Tree said...

"Lies can be put on just one blog, and they get shared and re-shared by people looking for material for their own blogs, which then gets shared again and again and again, running up the number of 'hits' of viewers."--Lency Spezzano

Peter Bergmann said...

As I recall, all traces of Oneness University being lauded and called one of Spezzano's two "greatest inspirations" was erased from several POV-related websites in early 2014. That effort would be considered a mass-editing command from a member of the Spezzano family. Such an action contradicts Lency's statement that they do not engage in editing promotional material.

The only reason all these false claims regarding Chuck's credentials continue to thrive on the Internet is that it is not in the financial interest of POV to correct them. For a group that ballyhoos "manifesting" miracles, they sure seem oddly helpless when it comes to what should be a simple task. They could start with requesting the Frankfurter Ring, Chuck's biggest promoter in Europe, to cease calling him a "psychologist" or "clinical psychologist," which they have been doing for years.

That'll be the day.

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