Sunday, October 18, 2015

Life Stations

The following is from the Psychology of Vision Taiwan webpage. Although Google translate is not exactly the most accurate service, it did provide an interesting English interpretation:

From April to September, "life stations" Sharing
July 09 perception association activities no comments

Date / Time
Date (s) - 2014/07/09
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

China Wenchang activity center in Delhi


    Perception association activities

Our lives will have many big and small problems or doubts, bring emotional ups and downs that we hope to share their feelings through stories and the life course, in emotional self-healing process, providing mutual support and full of energy companionship, witnessed the courage and extraordinary life.

Leading: percent of seniors who know see

Date: Every second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm to 9:00 twice.

04/09, 04/23; 05/07, 05/21; 06/11, 06/25, 07/09, 07/23, 08/13, 08/27, 09/10, 09/24

Location: Wenchang Road, Shihlin District, Taipei City 211 Edward Wenchang Activity Center

Reference: dedication


This book is a book full of practical wisdom, Chuck. Dr. Spiegel Sanna his thirty years of counseling experience, this book will bring to the unity of our hearts. The book describes how to fragment our hearts are obstacles in our lives ? ? We are frustrated by the bitter reality, words and deeds toward just another tragic ending.

This book will give us strength, indicating the end of our lives are all sorts of personal choice, how can we use our right to choose to let their thoughts and outer life one. This book provides tools we need to change in order that we can enjoy more for long life and enjoy the love, everyone can be released from the pain via treatment and understanding.

If you read this book, if you really ?? exercise book, one thing is guaranteed that you will no longer blindly toward broken hearts again. This book allows you to regain your strength and your heart, your heart is a fountain of life happiness.

About the Author

Chuck. Spitzer Sanna (Chuck Spezzano, Ph.D.), Psychology of the founders.

Dr. Counseling Psychology American International University in San Diego, in 1972 began his career counselor to family therapy, marital counseling, child counseling professional background, guiding thousands of dollars in therapy groups and individual talks and addiction treatment had planned workshops, and served as a psychologist in California Naval addiction center.

Twenty years ago, he was inspired by "A Course in Miracles" (A Course in Miracles), and the reference to Gestalt therapy (Gestalt Therapy), hypnosis (Hypnotherapy), neurological linguistics (NLP) and other principles of treatment, and wife Nancy (Lency) jointly developed the emotional and spiritual treatment approach ? ? perception psychology. At present this method has been held in many international seminars, workshops, training courses, and Chuck spend more than two hundred days a year traveling around the world teaching.

Now, more than nine countries translated Chuck over 20 books, including the popular was "hurt, not love." The past 10 years, Chuck and more people will look to focus on business achievements and difficulties, he believes the new century, for-profit companies should not only target, but to be able to fully realize the meaning of life and the purpose of life. Chuck and his wife currently live in Hawaii Ohana island.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"guiding thousands of dollars in therapy groups"


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