Saturday, October 12, 2024

Psychology of Vision Trainers Manual 2011

This document was removed from public view by Spezzano and Associates Psychology of Vision Ltd. in May 2014. 


Anonymous said...

POV trainers manual are full of controls and restrictions, "POV community" is a fire wall building effort to keep the division alive between real community and themselves.
Control tactics to keep trainers committed to POV rules keeps them driven and relentless regardless of questioning and rejections from real community members.
Just because these trainers sold out to Chuck does not give them the go ahead to push it !
If they are so into promoting it they should also be telling the truth about the business, that POV is for profit not for religion or spirituality. That Chuck is not a psychologist and does not consult professionals in psychology for peer review. That it is high risk to expose yourself in group therapy where there is no professional help to assist participants in emotional break downs. That trainers make participants sign waivers agreeing to be unaccountable for any negative outcomes.There is no redress and no refunds! Who should be expected to take high risks like these , no one, so why are participants being conned in to being "healed" by POV? Because eveyone who commits to Chuck is conned into believing it and the only way to "wake up" is to really be accountable for what you are pushing by legally addressing what you are pushing.

How sad to target vulnerable people who really need legit support and help to improve their life! What a great loss of time and resources when opportunists like POV and company corner this need as a market for experimentation and profit.

Protection should be in place for the consumer. POV should be flag marked as a high risk fraudulent business, each native reservation in Canada should be notified and warned! Time to enjoin anyone who was trained in this con job scheme from further practicing and promoting this profit based business.

Anonymous said...

Instead of them paying you to promote their scheme, you have to pay them thousands of dollars annually for the honor of promoting their pyramid scam. The higher you rise, the more you pay. And who profits from this?

Year of the Cat said...

This manual not only reveals a corporation with a steep hierarchy, but the frequent mention of the founders in official policy and the expected reliance upon their guidance, presence, and writings points to a personality cult. Now granted, this is a small-time, hokey, rinky-dink scam game as far as these things go, but it still deserves more critical attention than it has been getting.

Year of the Cat said...

I propose that the POV trainers who participate in the trainer fee schedule as outlined on page 11 here be nominated for the Darwin Award. And this was in 2011. I'm sure it cost more by now. Quite the scam, but I'm sure the victims have it all rationalized in their heads. "Brainwashing" I believe it is called.

Anonymous said...

Why was this removed from public view?

Year of the Cat said...

In answer to your question, I do not know why it was deleted from public view, but at least it is preserved here. This blog has been around for nearly a year and no one speaking for POV has stepped in to address this and other questions. Not one single comment has been submitted.

It should noted that this particular post ranks as the third most popular on this blog, following "Charles Lee Spezzano Ph. D. in Professional Psychology" where Chuck's academic credentials are examined, and, "Healing Metaphors A-Z" which fascinates most people for the sheer cruelty and social cluelessness of it all. The authors were attempting to cash in on a Louise Hay fad but hitched themselves to a very dark star.

Anonymous said...

One of the most self-incriminating POV documents out there for the public to view in the English speaking world and it is no wonder it was removed from public view after it gained attention from critics. Apparently POV feels more secure among the German language crowd, since that version of their manual still exists online. POV is pretty much discredited and regarded as the scam it truly is in North America and the UK. Note that there have been no American POV trainers for quite some time even though the Spezzanos are US citizens. Why is that?

Sandy S. said...

Chuck Spezzano says, "Control is just a way of covering fear."

I think this document reflects the tremendous amount of fear that must dwell inside Chuck since it was compiled by total control freaks. POV is full of split-mind messages and utter nonsense which has addled the brains of their followers. Chuck himself has admitted the whole thing is a "hoax." This is clearly just a money machine.

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