Monday, October 25, 2021

Lency Spezzano Joining With World Leaders

From the Psychology of Vision Gaia Project:


Mr. Illumination said...

This reminds me of when Abbie Hoffman and the Yippies were going to levitate and exorcise the Pentagon as a peace protest in 1967. But the difference was they were tongue-in-cheek theater. I don't detect any humor or irony in Lency's proposal. It looks like she was really serious about this. Didn't look like it worked.

Mike Huckabilly said...

In spite of the lip service paid to progressive politics by POV, the group is closer to the form of the Tea Party:

Passenger said...

It would appear that the act of casting a vote is more powerful than "manifesting" or "joining" in the political realm. But then, none of the POV trainers are registered to vote in the USA because none of them are citizens. Why is that? Why are there no Americans among the flock in the POV cult? One of the few and the last one I am aware of was the artist Spar Street, who had a rather short career as a POV trainer.

Woodstove Wilson said...

Now that Trump is elected USA President I suppose the Chuck Spezzano forces are happy. Trump and Spezzano are the same age, both do not regard critical thinkers kindly, they both require constant adoration, they are both obese men around 70 years of age. Both of them are capitalist scam artists.

Chuck and Lency got their start in the era of Ronald Reagan, another major business friendly scam artist. I should think the Spezzanos would be celebrating the rise of Trump, their spiritual kinsman.

Marian Dubois said...

I'm torn between laughing and then feeling bad for laughing at a concept that is probably the result of someone needing serious mental therapy. The really sad part is that there are followers who will believe this craziness without question and they are investing quite a bit of $$$ and energy on this silliness. Such a waste. Such a waste.

Orvil Bluenbacher said...

I see the POV "joining" efforts produced real results-- NOT!!!

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