Monday, November 1, 2021

Psychology of Vision Facebook Potpourri

Raising money for POV training, Helen Peters 2012

Links By George spreads the misinformation that Chuck Spezzano is a "psychologist" 2016

Lency Spezzano's Bliss Engine

Private thoughts are discouraged in Psychology of Vision, 2013

 Babs Stevens thanks Lency Spezzano for her brilliance and love, 2016

Tat'ush Peters reviews the APTN documentary on POV, 2013

"These MAGGOTS are everywhere!" comments Bill Wilson regarding Psychology of Vision, "They breed and thrive on suffering!" 2014

Diverse Hypnosis loves the Healing Metaphors A-Z, 2013

Chuck Spezzano promotes Healing Metaphors A-Z, 2010

Some POV discussion regarding  First Nations, 2013

Original Mind download, 2012

Healing the Fall from the 5th Dimension to the 3rd, 2012

Joining Angel with Lency Spezzano, Japan 2013

3 day First Nations Workshop, 2010


Anonymous said...

Chuck Spezzano says we need to give up private thoughts? I think his Catholic-raised conditioning for confession is surfacing here. At any rate it comes across as very Orwellian.

Year of the Cat said...

The POV rule of giving up private thoughts seems to apply only to the individual, not the corporation. POV is about as transparent as North Korea. They used to have an open forum but now they communicate with each other via Comindwork or closed Facebook groups so there is no danger of riffraff getting in and asking awkward questions or POV intra-communication exposed to the critical eye. Whenever one of their online documents is seriously examined, they simply pull it from general public view (Trainers Manual, Downloading/Joining Videos, Healing Metaphors, etc.) They also really really hate being laughed at more than anything else which is unfortunate for them since the group operates under such absurd premises. The requirement for confession of private thoughts is just another cultish tactic to control the flock through guilt and intimidation. POV is a very dangerous group with little accountability to anyone.

Anonymous said...

Very refreshing to see a fn woman speak up about POV money cult, thanks to Tat'ush Peters for being real and notifying relatives about the scams and bringing about the attention needed thru APTN Investigates. I hope APTN continue to investigates as this blog verifies and unravels the blatant truth about these scams.

All of these followers demonstrate how they have to stick together like glue in order to maintain their membership with POV mind control, what does "sending kisses to uncle chuck" have to do with self respecting self growth ?
How is getting acquainted with Adolf Hitler educating Lency to heal with FN part of what FN people need?
Sounds very bogus and desperate way to con in more followers.
If you have to rely on these kind of tactics for help, then the help you need is greater than you think!

Subjecting FN to experimental new age pipe dreams is not the answer. How about considering professional peer tested and legal treatment that is safe for FN people? Why squander valuable community funds on this type of obvious trash????????

These face book comments demonstrate how advanced trainers and pov leaders and potential 100 day grad participants love bomb each other in order to keep the ball rolling, it's incestuous behavior that should ring a bell loud and ring for anyone concerned with ABUSE , especially FN women dealing with all the abuses of their people.
This POV business is a collective effort to spiritually overtake your life and make you believe it is good for you as they hijack your emotions and make you devout to them by seeing the leaders as "your mommy or daddy". This is an obvious sick
indicator how these followers have no personal boundaries established and are wide open for relationship displacement in order to belong.
Public education on this type of cult is essential now in Canada for FN people especially as their new health venue changes into self governance. Aptn Investigates is providing a vital and valuable opportunity for both native and non native peoples to learn about the hidden agendas of these new age groups. There is no need to remain ignorant and vulnerable but there is a need to be vigilant over these scams! As people like Chuck, Lency and Erick, have recruited community members to act like them, to access money for them and to fight for them.Unfortunately this leads to inner struggles for families and creates more conflict in small communities. In other words there is no damage control!!!!!

Dr. Robert said...

Facebook, Twitter, and other such social media are perfect for POV-- mostly refrigerator magnet sayings and images that are shared and repeated to affirm a bias that results in feeding the Spezzano bank account. Regurgitation of POV cult dogma is the main focus here, there is not a lot of original or critical thinking taking place in these venues.

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